F-Tile CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683281
Date 8/15/2024

1.4.1. Simulating the Design Example Testbench

Figure 8. Procedure
Follow these steps to simulate the testbench:
  1. At the command prompt, change to the testbench simulation directory <design_example_dir>/example_testbench:
    cd <my_design>/example_testbench
  2. Run the simulation script for the supported simulator of your choice. The script compiles and runs the testbench in the simulator. Refer to the table Steps to Simulate the Testbench.
  3. Analyze the results. The successful testbench received five hyperframes, and displays "PASSED".
    Table 4.  Steps to Simulate the Testbench
    Simulator Instructions
    VCS* In the command line, type:
    sh run_vcs.sh
    VCS* MX In the command line, type:
    sh run_vcsmx.sh
    QuestaSim* or Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition In the command line, type:
    vsim -do run_vsim.do
    If you prefer to simulate without bringing up the GUI, type:
    vsim -c -do run_vsim.do
    Xcelium* In the command line, type:
    sh run_xcelium.sh
    The following sample output illustrates a successful simulation test run for 24.33024 Gbps with 4 CPRI channels:
    Ref clock is 184.32 MHz
    Waiting for TX ready
    TX is ready is high at time              75250000
    Waiting for RX ready
    RX is ready is high at time             120750000
    *** configure DL ***
    ** Address offset = 0x185d, ReadData  = 0x00000a86
    ** Address offset = 0x3c00a, ReadData  = 0x000c0000
    ** Address offset = 0x3c00a, WriteData = 0x000c0a86
    ** Address offset = 0x3c00a, ReadData  = 0x000c0a86
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0xc0000000
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0x00000000
    ** Address offset = 0x185d, ReadData  = 0x000034a6
    ** Address offset = 0x3c008, ReadData  = 0x000c0000
    ** Address offset = 0x3c008, WriteData = 0x000c34a6
    ** Address offset = 0x3c008, ReadData  = 0x000c34a6
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0xc0000000
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0x00000000
    ** Address offset = 0x185d, ReadData  = 0x00003526
    ** Address offset = 0x3c006, ReadData  = 0x014c0000
    ** Address offset = 0x3c006, WriteData = 0x014c3526
    ** Address offset = 0x3c006, ReadData  = 0x014c3526
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0xc0000000
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0x00000000
    ** Address offset = 0x185d, ReadData  = 0x00001be6
    ** Address offset = 0x3c004, ReadData  = 0x014c0000
    ** Address offset = 0x3c004, WriteData = 0x014c1be6
    ** Address offset = 0x3c004, ReadData  = 0x014c1be6
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0xc0000000
    ** Address offset = 0x2, WriteData = 0x00000000
    *** sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
    *** waiting for measure_valid to assert...
    ** Address offset = 0x2, ReadData  = 0x00000003
    ** measure_valid is asserted.
    ** Address offset = 0x3, ReadData  = 0x00001ba0
    ** Address offset = 0x4, ReadData  = 0x000082bf
    *** waiting for hyperframe sync to assert...
    ** hyperframe sync is asserted.
    *** waiting for round trip measure...
    -> 385120ns: Channel 0: Round trip measure done with count 5151
    ** Channel 0: RX checker has received packets correctly!
    ** PASSED
    *** waiting for measure_valid to assert...
    ** Address offset = 0x2, ReadData  = 0x00000003
    ** measure_valid is asserted.
    ** Address offset = 0x3, ReadData  = 0x00001b44
    ** Address offset = 0x4, ReadData  = 0x00008516
    *** waiting for hyperframe sync to assert...
    ** hyperframe sync is asserted.
    *** waiting for round trip measure...
    -> 385255ns: Channel 1: Round trip measure done with count 5216
    ** Channel 1: RX checker has received packets correctly!
    ** PASSED
    *** waiting for measure_valid to assert...
    ** Address offset = 0x2, ReadData  = 0x00000003
    ** measure_valid is asserted.
    ** Address offset = 0x3, ReadData  = 0x00001b02
    ** Address offset = 0x4, ReadData  = 0x0000860c
    *** waiting for hyperframe sync to assert...
    ** hyperframe sync is asserted.
    *** waiting for round trip measure...
    -> 385385ns: Channel 2: Round trip measure done with count 5240
    ** Channel 2: RX checker has received packets correctly!
    ** PASSED
    *** waiting for measure_valid to assert...
    ** Address offset = 0x2, ReadData  = 0x00000003
    ** measure_valid is asserted.
    ** Address offset = 0x3, ReadData  = 0x00001a79
    ** Address offset = 0x4, ReadData  = 0x000083d7
    *** waiting for hyperframe sync to assert...
    ** hyperframe sync is asserted.
    *** waiting for round trip measure...
    -> 387084ns: Channel 3: Round trip measure done with count 5152
    ** Channel 3: RX checker has received packets correctly!
    ** PASSED
    $finish called from file "basic_avl_tb_top.sv", line 352.
    $finish at simulation time 387104ns