Visible to Intel only — GUID: pud1521669604780
Step 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Creating a Child Level Sub-module
Step 3: Creating Design Partitions
Step 4: Allocating Placement and Routing Region for PR Partitions
Step 5: Adding the Partial Reconfiguration Controller IP
Step 6: Defining Personas
Step 7: Creating Revisions
Step 8: Compiling the Base Revision
Step 9: Preparing the PR Implementation Revisions for Parent PR Partition
Step 10: Preparing the PR Implementation Revisions for Child PR Partitions
Step 11: Programming the Board
Modifying an Existing Persona
Adding a New Persona to the Design
Visible to Intel only — GUID: pud1521669604780
Step 9: Preparing the PR Implementation Revisions for Parent PR Partition
You must prepare the parent and child PR implementation revisions before you can generate the PR bitstream for device programming. This setup includes mapping the new PR logic to the preexisting parent PR partition.
- To set the current revision, click Project > Revisions, select hpr_parent_slow_child_default as the Revision name, and then click Set Current.
- To verify the correct source for each implementation revision, click Project > Add/Remove Files in Project. Confirm that the file appears in the file list.
Figure 12. Confirming Correct Source File
- To specify the .qdb file associated with the static region, click Assignments > Design Partitions Window. Double-click the Partition Database File cell for root_partition and select the <project_directory>/blinking_led_static.qdb file.
Figure 13. Assigning the Partition Database FileAlternatively, the following command assigns this file:
set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION \ blinking_led_static.qdb -to |
- In the Entity Re-binding cell for pr_parent_partition, specify the entity name the PR parent partition. For this implementation revision, the entity name is blinking_led_slow. blinking_led_slow is the name of the entity that you are partially reconfiguring. u_blinking_led is the name of the instance that your entity overwrites during PR.
- Verify that the following line now exists in the .qsf:
Figure 14. Entity Rebinding
#hpr_parent_slow_child_default.qsf set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING \ blinking_led_slow -to u_blinking_led
Note: Because the child PR logic is already defined by the parent PR partition, whose entity name is rebound, do not use an entity rebinding assignment for the child PR partition. - In the Logic Lock Regions window, define the same Logic Lock region for the child PR partition as the parent PR partition.
Figure 15. Defining Logic Lock RegionsNote: There is no requirement to redefine the Logic Lock region for the parent PR partition.
- Before compiling the implementation revision, ensure the corresponding .qsf file contains the following assignments:
These assignments allow the Assembler to automatically generate the required PR bitstreams.set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_PR_RBF_FILE ON set_global_assignment -name ON_CHIP_BITSTREAM_DECOMPRESSION OFF
- To compile the design, click Processing > Start Compilation. Alternatively, the following command compiles this project:
quartus_sh --flow compile blinking_led –c hpr_parent_slow_child_default
- To export this new parent PR partition as a finalized .qdb file, click Project > Export Design Partition. Specify the following options for the partition:
Option Setting Partition name pr_parent_partition Partition database file <project>/pr_parent_partition_slow_final.qdb Include entity-bound SDC files Enable Snapshot Final Alternatively, the following command exports the parent PR region:
quartus_cdb -r blinking_led -c blinking led --export_block \ root_partition --snapshot final --file \ pr_parent_partition_slow_final.qdb
- Inspect the bitstream files generated to the output_files directory.
Table 6. Generated Bitstream Files Name Type Description hpr_parent_slow_child_default.pr_parent_partition.rbf PR bitstream file for parent PR partition Used to program the default persona for the parent PR region. Causes the led_two_on to blink at a lower rate. hpr_parent_slow_child_default.pr_parent_partition.pr_partition.rbf PR bitstream file for child PR partition Used to program the default persona for the child PR region. Causes the led_three_on to blink at the default rate.