Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683222
Date 8/15/2024
Document Table of Contents Taking the SD/MMC Controller Out of Reset

When a cold or warm reset is issued in the HPS, the reset manager resets this module and holds it in reset until software releases it.

After the Cortex-A53 MPCore boots, it can deassert the reset signal by clearing the appropriate bits in the reset manager's corresponding reset register. For details about reset registers, refer to section: Reset Signals and Registers in the Reset Manager chapter.

You should ensure that both the SD/MMC ECC RAM and the SD/MMC Module resets are deasserted before beginning transactions. Program the sdmmcocp bits and the sdmmc bits in the per0modrst register of the Reset Manager to deassert reset in the SD/MMC ECC RAM and the SD/MMC module, respectively.