Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 11/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.1.1. Basic I/O Planning Flow

The following steps describe the basic flow for assigning and verifying I/O pin assignments:
  1. Click Assignments > Device and select a target device that meets your logic, performance, and I/O requirements. Consider and specify I/O standards, voltage and power supply requirements, and available I/O pins.
  2. Click Assignments > Pin Planner.
  3. Assign I/O properties to match your device and PCB characteristics, including assigning logic, I/O standards, output loading, slew rate, and current strength.
  4. Click Run I/O Assignment Analysis in the Tasks pane to validate assignments and generate a synthesized design netlist. Correct any problems reported.
  5. Click Processing > Start Compilation. During compilation, the Quartus® Prime software runs I/O assignment analysis.