Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 9/26/2022

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2.1.2. Node, Entity, and Instance-Level Constraints

Node, entity, and instance-level constraints apply to a subset of the design hierarchy. These constraints take precedence over any global assignment that affects the same sections of the design hierarchy. The following tools are available in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software to specify node, entity, and instance-level constraints:
Table 2.   Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Tools to Set Node, Entity and Instance Level Constraints
Assignment Type Assignment Editor Interface Planner Chip Planner Pin Planner
Pin   X   X
Location X X X  
Routing X   X  
Simulation X   X X

Although you can specify constraints using a variety of tools, the following table shows the most effective constraint tools at each design phase:

Table 3.  Constraint Tools per Design Phase
Design Phase Assignment Editor Interface Planner Tile Interface Planner Chip Planner Timing Analyzer Pin Planner
Pre-Synthesis X   X     X
Post-Synthesis X X   X    
Post-Fit X     X X