Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000

ID 683040
Date 6/14/2021
Document Table of Contents

4.2.5. Install the Configuration Files

The configuration (cfg) installer installs all the binary ingredients (FPGA, Intel® MAX® 10) required to upgrade the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 to current release version.

  1. Install the appropriate configuration setup file (2x2x25G, 4x25G, or 8x10G).
    • Filename: n3000-1.3.6-cfg-*
    • To change permission:
      $ sudo chmod +x n3000-1.3.6-cfg-*
  2. Run the script:
    $ sudo ./n3000-1.3.6-cfg-* -y --install-dir /tmp/tmp_cfg \
    --owner  <user[:group]>
    Important: You must use the --install-dir option with the configuration script to prevent overwriting of the /inteldevstack or /intelrtestack directory.
    Sample output:
    Running setup
    Beginning installation
    Processing group "OPAE FPGA Image Files for 4x25G"
    Analyzing dependencies...
    Analyzing packages to install...
    error running: ['yum', 'info', 'opae-one-time-update-n3000-25G.noarch']
    error running: ['yum', 'info', 'opae-super-rsu-n3000-4x25G.noarch']
                    Installing OPAE FPGA Image Files for 4x25G packages...
    Changing ownership on /tmp/tmp_cfg
    Installation done

    The message error running: [ 'yum' , …] in the above output is expected and can be ignored.

  3. Verify proper installation of the one-time update (OTSU) and super-rsu files.
    • If you install 2x2x25G or 4x25G configuration installer, the installed files are located at
      ls -l /usr/share/opae/n3000/one-time-update/25G/
      ls -l /usr/share/opae/n3000/super-rsu/<config directory>/
      where <config directory> = 2x2x25G or 4x25G.
    • If you install 8x10G configuration installer, the installed files are located at:
      ls -l /usr/share/opae/n3000/one-time-update/10G/
      ls -l /usr/share/opae/n3000/super-rsu/<config directory>/
      where <config directory> = 8x10G.