Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000

ID 683040
Date 6/14/2021
Document Table of Contents

B. Upgrade your Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 with Production Version of BMC and Intel® Arria® 10 Image

Based on the current version loaded on your Intel® FPGA PAC N3000, follow the appropriate section of this appendix to upgrade your Intel® FPGA PAC N3000.

In the commands below, replace <25G or 10G> with appropriate directory which means use 25G or 10G based on the configuration installer selected and installed.
ls -l /usr/share/opae/n3000/one-time-update/
Note: The upgrade process updates all Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 on the server simultaneously. Ensure all Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 on the server have the same XL710 device ID. Also, ensure that the listed steps are not interrupted.
Delete all old remnant files:
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/opae/n3000/one-time-update/2x2x25G/
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/opae/n3000/one-time-update/8x10G/
Note: These upgrades erase the Static Region (SR) root entry hash and any CSK cancellation IDs previously programmed in the flash of the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000.
  • Stop any service or daemon accessing the FPGA or XL710 before updating the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 such as fpgad.
  • PLDM requests may return stale data. Avoid Host PLDM requests.
  • Ensure cooling requirements are met. The server can reboot if the FPGA Core temperature exceeds 95°C. For more information, refer to Cooling Requirements.
Tip: Before you proceed with upgrade, ensure that the FPGA Die Temperature is below 80°C using the following command:
sudo fpgainfo bmc
If it is higher than the threshold value, increase the fan speed to improve thermal condition.