Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-CAFDB068-ABEC-4216-A84F-194A555A04F4
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-CAFDB068-ABEC-4216-A84F-194A555A04F4
Header File
Common API for All Spline Types
template <
typename FpType,
typename SplineType,
int Dimensions = 1>
class spline {
using value_type = FpType;
using spline_type = SplineType;
const sycl::queue& q,
std::int64_t ny = 1,
bool were_coeffs_computed = false);
const sycl::device& dev,
const sycl::context& ctx,
std::int64_t ny = 1,
bool were_coeffs_computed = false);
spline(const spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>& other) = delete;
spline(spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>&& other) = delete;
spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>& operator=(
const spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>& other) = delete;
spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>& operator=(
spline<FpType, SplineType, Dimensions>&& other) = delete;
spline& set_partitions(
FpType* input_data,
std::int64_t nx,
partition_hint PartitionHint = partition_hint::non_uniform);
spline& set_function_values(
FpType* input_data,
function_hint FunctionHint = storage_hint::row_major);
spline& set_coefficients(
FpType* data,
coefficient_hint CoeffHint = storage_hint::row_major);
bool is_initialized() const;
std::int64_t get_required_coeffs_size() const;
sycl::event construct(const std::vector<sycl::event>& dependencies = {});
An instance of spline<T, ST, N> create the N-dimensional spline that operates with the T data type. ST is a type of spline. T can only be float or double.
Constructor |
Description |
spline(const sycl::queue& q, std::int64_t ny = 1, bool were_coeffs_computed = false); |
Create an object with the q SYCL queue and ny number of functions. If spline coeficients were already computed, provide true as a 3-rd parameter. were_coeffs_computed == false by default. It means that it needs to call construct to compute spline coefficients. |
spline(const sycl::device& dev, const sycl::context& ctx, std::int64_t ny = 1, bool were_coeffs_computed = false); |
Create an object using the dev SYCL device, the ctx context and ny number of functions. If spline coeficients were already computed, provide true as a 3-rd parameter. were_coeffs_computed == false by default. It means that it needs to call construct to compute spline coefficients. |
Member function |
Description |
spline& set_partitions(FpType* input_data, std::int64_t nx, partition_hint PartitionHint = partition_hint::non_uniform); |
Set partition values that are specified by the input_data memory pointer and nx partition values. Users can provide PartitionHint to specify the layout of data. Default layout is non_uniform. If uniform is specified, nx must equals to 2 and input_data must contain only 2 values the left and the right borders of partition. Otherwise, behavior is undefined. If input_data layout doesn’t satisfy PartitionHint, behavior is undefined. Returns a reference to the spline object for which partitions are set. Example, for uniform. Let is a partition. So, input_data must contain only 2 values: 1, n. |
spline& set_function_values(FpType* input_data, function_hint FunctionHint = storage_hint::row_major); |
Set function values that are specified by the input_data memory pointer. Number of function values must equals to ny * nx elements. Users can provide FunctionHint to specify the layout of data. Default layout is row_major. If input_data layout doesn’t satisfy FunctionHint, behavior is undefined. Returns a reference to the spline object for which function values are set. |
spline& set_coefficients(FpType* data, coefficient_hint CoeffHint = storage_hint::row_major); |
Set coefficients that are specified by the data memory pointer. Number of coefficients in the memory must equals to the return value of get_required_coeffs_size(). Users can provide CoeffHint to specify the layout of data. Default layout is row_major. If data layout doesn’t satisfy CoeffHint, behavior is undefined. If were_coeffs_computed == false, data will be rewritten during the construct call. Returns a reference to the spline object for which coefficients are set. |
bool is_initialized() const; |
Returns true if all required data are set (for example, partitions, function values, coefficients). |
std::int64_t get_required_coeffs_size() const; |
Returns amount of memory that is required for coefficients storage. |
sycl::event construct(const std::vector<sycl::event>& dependencies = {}); |
Constructs the spline (calculates spline coefficients if were_coeffs_computed == false). The function submits a SYCL kernel and returns the SYCL event to wait on to ensure computation is complete. dependencies is a list of SYCL events to wait for before starting computations. |
There are some splines that requires internal conditions and boundary conditions to be set. For such spline types, the following member functions must be called.
spline& set_internal_conditions(
FpType* input_data);
spline& set_boundary_conditions(
bc_type BCType = bc_type::free_end,
FpType input_value = {});
Member function |
Description |
spline& set_internal_conditions(FpType* input_data); |
Set internal conditions that are specified by the input_data memory pointer. Number of internal condition values must equals to nx - 2. Returns a reference to the spline object for which internal conditions are set. |
spline& set_boundary_conditions(bc_type BCType = bc_type::free_end, FpType input_value = {}); |
Set the input_value boundary condition corresponding to BCType. Default value for input_value is empty since some boundary conditions doesn’t require value to be provided. Returns a reference to the spline object for which boundary condition value is set. |
Supported Spline Types
Currently, the DPC++ Data Fitting APIs support the following spline types (follow the corresponding links to deep-dive into the details):