Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A8529038-7697-45C2-B16D-564FDD65C65E
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A8529038-7697-45C2-B16D-564FDD65C65E
Computes the element-wise maximum of each pair of vector a elements and vector b elements in terms of magnitude.
The maxmag(a,b) function returns a vector with element values equal to the element with the larger magnitude from each pair of corresponding elements of the two vectors a and b:
If |a| > |b| maxmag(a,b) returns a, otherwise maxmag(a,b) returns b.
If |b| > |a| maxmag(a,b) returns b, otherwise maxmag(a,b) returns a.
Otherwise maxmag(a,b) behaves like fmax.
Argument 1 |
Argument 2 |
Result |
Error Code |
a not NAN |
a |
b not NAN |
b |
The maxmag(a,b) function does not generate any errors.
Buffer API
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event maxmag(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
std::int64_t n,
sycl::buffer<T> & a,
sycl::buffer<T> & b,
sycl::buffer<T> & y,
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined);
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event maxmag(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
sycl::buffer<T> & a,
oneapi::mkl::slice sa,
sycl::buffer<T> & b,
oneapi::mkl::slice sb,
sycl::buffer<T> & y,
oneapi::mkl::slice sy,
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined);
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event maxmag(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
std::int64_t n,
T const * a,
T const * b,
T * y,
std::vector<sycl::event> const & depends = {},
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined);
namespace oneapi::mkl::vm {
sycl::event maxmag(sycl::queue & exec_queue,
T const * a,
oneapi::mkl::slice sa,
T const * b,
oneapi::mkl::slice sb,
T * y,
oneapi::mkl::slice sy,
std::vector<sycl::event> const & depends = {},
oneapi::mkl::vm::mode mode = oneapi::mkl::vm::mode::not_defined);
maxmag supports the following precisions and devices:
T |
Devices supported |
sycl::half |
_Float16 |
float |
CPU and GPU |
double |
CPU and GPU |
Input Parameters
Buffer API
- exec_queue
The queue where the routine will be executed.
- n
Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.
- a
The buffer containing the 1st input vector.
- sa
Slice selector for a. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- b
The buffer containing the 2nd input vector.
- sb
Slice selector for b. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- sy
Slice selector for y. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- mode
Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See set_mode function for possible values and their description. This is an optional parameter. The default value is mode::not_defined.
- exec_queue
The queue where the routine will be executed.
- n
Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.
- a
Pointer to the 1st input vector.
- sa
Slice selector for a. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- b
Pointer to the 2nd input vector.
- sb
Slice selector for b. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- sy
Slice selector for y. See Data Types for a description of the oneMKL slice type.
- depends
Vector of dependent events (to wait for input data to be ready). This is an optional parameter. The default is an empty vector.
- mode
Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See the set_mode function for possible values and their description. This is an optional parameter. The default value is mode::not_defined.
Output Parameters
Buffer API
- y
The buffer containing the output vector.
- return value (event)
Computation end event.
- y
Pointer to the output vector.
- return value (event)
Computation end event.
An example of how to use maxmag can be found in the oneMKL installation directory, under: