Developer Reference

Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library LAPACK Examples

ID 766877
Date 12/20/2021

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Document Table of Contents

Notational Conventions

This document uses the following conventions:

Convention Description
lowercase courier Indicates routine names.
lowercase courier italic Indicates routine arguments.

The LAPACK routines are prefixed by a letter defining the data type:

Letter Description
s Indicates single precision: REAL, or REAL*4 in Fortran, float in C.
d Indicates double precision: DOUBLE PRECISION, or REAL*8 in Fortran, double in C.
c Indicates single precision complex: COMPLEX, or COMPLEX*8 in Fortran, single precision complex data type in C. See the note about complex data type below.
z Indicates double precision complex: DOUBLE COMPLEX, or COMPLEX*16 in Fortran, double precision complex data type in C. See the note about complex data type below.
i Indicates integer: INTEGER in Fortran, int in C.
? Indicates a place holder for a single letter in several routine names. For example, ?getrf refers to the routines sgetrf, dgetrf, cgetrf, and zgetrf.

Note: Complex data type in C means a type containing two consecutive float or double fields representing real and imaginary parts of the complex number. Complex types fcomplex and dcomplex in oneMKL LAPACK examples are defined as follows:

/* Single precision complex datatype */ 
struct _fcomplex { float re, im; }; 
typedef struct _fcomplex fcomplex; 
/* Double precision complex datatype */ 
struct _dcomplex { double re, im; }; 
typedef struct _dcomplex dcomplex;