Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 7/13/2023

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Document Table of Contents

Key Terminology

analysis: A process during which the Intel Inspector performs collection and finalization.

code location: A fact the Intel Inspector observes at a source code location, such as a write code location. Previously called an observation.

collection: A process during which the Intel Inspector executes an application, identifies issues that may need handling, and collects those issues in a result.

false positive: A reported error that is not an error.

finalization: A process during which the Intel Inspector uses debug information from binary files to convert symbol information into filenames and line numbers, performs duplicate elimination (if requested), and forms problem sets.

problem: One or more occurrences of a detected issue, such as an uninitialized memory access. Multiple occurrences have the same call stack but a different thread or timestamp. You can view information for a problem as well as for each occurrence.

problem breakpoint: A breakpoint that halts execution when a memory or threading analysis detects a problem. In the Visual Studio* debugger, a problem breakpoint is indicated by a yellow arrow at the source line where execution halts.

problem set: A group of problems with a common problem type and a shared code location that might share a common solution, such as a problem set resulting from deallocating an object too early during application execution. You can view problem sets only after analysis is complete.

project: A compiled application; a collection of configurable attributes, including suppression rules and search directories; and a container for analysis results.

result: A collection of issues that may need handling.

suppression: An Intel Inspector productivity enhancement feature you can use to not collect result data that matches a rule you define.

target: An application the Intel Inspector inspects for errors.