Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 7/13/2023

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Document Table of Contents

Context Menus: Sources Window Panes

Access key capabilities from the Intel Inspector  Sources window pane context menus.

Do This

To Do This

Right-click anywhere in the Source tab.

  • Edit Source - Edit source code in your default editor.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Copy the selected code to the system clipboard.

  • Explain Problem - Explain, in generic terms, the error associated with the code.

Right-click anywhere in the Disassembly tab.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Copy the selected code to the system clipboard.

  • Explain Problem - Explain, in generic terms, the error associated with the code.

Right-click anywhere in the Call Stack tab.

  • Show Module Names, Show Sources, Show Two Lines, and Show Horizontal Scrollbar - Customize frame presentation.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Copy the frames to the system clipboard.