Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2023

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POINTER - Integer

Statement: Establishes pairs of objects and pointers, in which each pointer contains the address of its paired object. This statement is different from the Fortran POINTER statement.

POINTER (pointer,pointee) [,(pointer,pointee)] . . .


Is a variable whose value is used as the address of the pointee.


Is a variable; it can be an array name or array specification. It can also be a procedure named in an EXTERNAL statement or in a specific (non-generic) procedure interface block.

The following are pointer rules and behavior:

  • Two pointers can have the same value, so pointer aliasing is allowed.

  • When used directly, a pointer is treated like an integer variable. On IA-32 architecture, a pointer occupies one numeric storage unit, so it is a 32-bit quantity (INTEGER(4)). On Intel® 64 architecture, a pointer occupies two numeric storage units, so it is a 64-bit quantity (INTEGER(8)).

  • A pointer cannot be a pointee.

  • A pointer cannot appear in an ASSIGN statement and cannot have the following attributes:







    A pointer can appear in a DATA statement with integer literals only.

  • Integers can be converted to pointers, so you can point to absolute memory locations.

  • A pointer variable cannot be declared to have any other data type.

  • A pointer cannot be a function return value.

  • You can give values to pointers by doing the following:

    • Retrieve addresses by using the LOC intrinsic function (or the %LOC built-in function)

    • Allocate storage for an object by using the MALLOC intrinsic function (or by using malloc(3f) on Linux* and macOS systems)

    For example:

    Using %LOC:                  Using MALLOC:
    INTEGER I(10)                INTEGER I(10)
    INTEGER I1(10) /10*10/       POINTER (P,I)
    POINTER (P,I)                P = MALLOC(40)
    P = %LOC(I1)                 I = 10
    I(2) = I(2) + 1              I(2) = I(2) + 1
  • The value in a pointer is used as the pointee's base address.

The following are pointee rules and behavior:

  • A pointee is not allocated any storage. References to a pointee look to the current contents of its associated pointer to find the pointee's base address.

  • A pointee cannot be data-initialized or have a record structure that contains data-initialized fields.

  • A pointee can appear in only one integer POINTER statement.

  • A pointee array can have fixed, adjustable, or assumed dimensions.

  • A pointee cannot appear in a COMMON, DATA, EQUIVALENCE, or NAMELIST statement, and it cannot have the following attributes:









  • A pointee cannot be:

    • A dummy argument

    • A function return value

    • A record field or an array element

    • Zero-sized

    • An automatic object

    • The name of a generic interface block

  • If a pointee is of derived type, it must be of sequence type.


 POINTER (p, k)

 ! This has the same effect as j(1) = 0, j(2) = 5
 p = LOC(j)
 k = 0
 p = p + SIZEOF(k) ! 4 for 4-byte integer
 k = 5