Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2023

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IDATE Portability Routine

Portability Subroutine: Returns the month, day, and year of the current system. IDATE can be used as a portability subroutine or as an intrinsic procedure. It is an intrinsic procedure unless you specify USE IFPORT.



CALL IDATE (i, j, k)


CALL IDATE (iarray)


(Output) INTEGER(4). Is the current system month.


(Output) INTEGER(4). Is the current system day.


(Output) INTEGER(4). Is the current system year as an offset from 1900.


(Output) INTEGER(4). Is a three-element array that holds day as element 1, month as element 2, and year as element 3. The month is between 1 and 12. The year is greater than or equal to 1969 and is returned as 2 digits.


The two-digit year return value may cause problems with the year 2000. Use DATE_AND_TIME instead.


Consider the following:

use IFPORT integer(4) imonth, iday, iyear, datarray(3) ! If the date is July 11, 1999: CALL IDATE(IMONTH, IDAY, IYEAR) ! sets IMONTH to 7, IDAY to 11 and IYEAR to 99. CALL IDATE (DATARRAY) ! datarray is (/11,7,99/)