Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2023

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Colon Editing (:)

The colon edit descriptor terminates format control if there are no more items in the I/O list.


Suppose the following statements are specified:

     PRINT 1,3
     PRINT 2,13
1    FORMAT (' I=',I2,' J=',I2)
2    FORMAT (' K=',I2,:,' L=',I2)

The above code causes the following lines to be written (the symbol ^ represents a nonprinting blank character):


The following shows another example:

 !     The following example writes a= 3.20 b= .99
       REAL a, b, c, d
       DATA a /3.2/, b /.9871515/
       WRITE (*, 100) a, b
 100   FORMAT (' a=', F5.2, :, ' b=', F5.2, :, &
      &        ' c=', F5.2, :, ' d=', F5.2)