Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2023

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Glossary P

packed record

A record that starts on an arbitrary byte boundary; each field starts in the next unused byte. Contrast with naturally aligned record.


The filling of unused positions in a field or character string with dummy data (such as zeros or blanks).

parallel processing

The simultaneous use of more than one processor (CPU) to execute a program.


Can be either of the following:

  • In general, any quantity of interest in a given situation; often used in place of the term "argument".

  • A Fortran named constant.

parent component

The component of an entity of extended type that corresponds to its inherited portion.

parent process

A process that initiates and controls another process (child). The parent process defines the environment for the child process. Also, the parent process can suspend or terminate without affecting the child process. See also child process.

parent team

The team that executes a FORM TEAM statement is the parent team of the teams formed by execution of the FORM TEAM statement.

parent window

A window that has one or more child windows. See also child window.

parent type

The extensible type from which an extended type is derived.

passed-object dummy argument

The dummy argument of a type-bound procedure or procedure pointer component that becomes associated with the object through which the procedure was invoked.


The path from the root directory to a subdirectory or file. See also root.


A connection that allows one program to get its input directly from the output of another program.


A combination of operating system and hardware that provides a distinct environment in which to use a software product (for example, Microsoft* Windows* on processors using Intel® 64 architecture).


A pointer is either a data pointer or a procedure pointer. A data pointer is a data entity that has the POINTER attribute. A procedure pointer is a procedure entity that has the POINTER attribute.

A pointer is associated with a target by pointer assignment. A data pointer can also be associated with a target by allocation. A pointer that is not associated must not be referenced or defined.

A disassociated pointer is not associated with a target. A pointer is disassociated following one of these events:

  • Execution of a NULLIFY statement

  • Pointer assignment with a disassociated pointer

  • Default initialization

  • Explicit initialization

A data pointer can also be disassociated by execution of a DEALLOCATE statement.

If a data pointer is an array, the rank is declared, but the extents are determined when the pointer is associated with a target.

A data pointer is one of the following:

  • A Fortran pointer

    A data object that has the POINTER attribute. To be referenced or defined, it must be "pointer-associated" with a target (have storage space associated with it). If the pointer is an array, it must be pointer-associated to have a shape. See also pointer association.

  • An integer pointer

    A data object that contains the address of its paired variable. This is also called a Cray* pointer.

pointer assignment

The association of a pointer with a target by the execution of a pointer assignment statement or the execution of an assignment statement for a data object of derived type having the pointer as a subobject.

pointer association

The association of storage space to a Fortran pointer by means of a target. A pointer is associated with a target after pointer assignment or the valid execution of an ALLOCATE statement.

polymorphic object

An object that can have different types during program execution. An object declared with the CLASS keyword is polymorphic.

potential subobject component

For a derived type or a structure, a nonpointer component or a potential subobject component of a nonpointer component.

preceding task

A task that must complete execution prior to execution of its dependent task(s). See also dependent task and task dependence.


The number of significant digits in a real number. See also double-precision constant, kind type parameter, and single-precision constant.


The simplest form of an expression. A primary can be any of the following data objects:

  • A constant

  • A constant subobject (parent is a constant)

  • A variable (scalar, structure, array, or pointer; an array cannot be assumed size)

  • An array constructor

  • A structure constructor

  • A function reference

  • An expression in parentheses

primary thread

In an OpenMP* Fortran program, the thread that creates a team of threads when a parallel region (PARALLEL construct) is encountered. The statements in the parallel region are then executed in parallel by each thread in the team. At the end of the parallel region, the team threads synchronize and only the primary thread continues execution. See also thread.


A computation that can be invoked during program execution. It can be a subroutine or function, an internal, external, dummy or module procedure, or a statement function. A subprogram can define more than one procedure if it contains an ENTRY statement. See also subprogram.

procedure interface

The statements that specify the name and characteristics of a procedure, the name and characteristics of each dummy argument, and the generic identifier (if any) by which the procedure can be referenced. The characteristics of a procedure are fixed, but the remainder of the interface can change in different scoping units.

If these properties are all known within the scope of the calling program, the procedure interface is explicit; otherwise it is implicit (deduced from its reference and declaration).

process object

A virtual address space, security profile, a set of threads that execute in the address space of the process, and a set of resources visible to all threads executing in the process. Several thread objects can be associated with a single process.


A set of instructions that can be compiled and executed by itself. Program blocks contain a declaration and an executable section.

program section

A particular common block or local data area for a particular routine containing equivalence groups.

program unit

The fundamental component of an executable program. A sequence of statements and comment lines. It can be a main program, a module, an external subprogram, or a block data program unit.