Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2023

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List of Runtime Error Messages

This section lists some of the errors processed by the compiler runtime library (RTL).


To see the full list of runtime errors, see file ifcore_msg.msg, which is located in the libraries part of your kit.

For each error shown in the below table of example messages, you will see the error number, the severity code, error message text, and condition symbol name. Some messages also provide more details about the error.

To define the condition symbol values (PARAMETER statements) in your program, include the following file:


As described in the table, the severity of the message determines which of the following occurs:

  • with info and warning, program execution continues

  • with error, the results may be incorrect

  • with severe, program execution stops (unless a recovery method is specified)

In the last case, to prevent program termination, you must include either an appropriate I/O error-handling specifier and recompile or, for certain errors, change the default action of a signal before you run the program again.

In the following table of example messages, the first column lists error numbers returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.

The first line of the second column provides the message as it is displayed (following forrtl:), including the severity level, message number, and the message text. The following lines of the second column contain the status condition symbol (such as FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP) and sometimes an explanation of the message.

In these messages, words in quotes represent variables. For example, "number" indicates a numeric variable, and "string" indicates a character string variable.


Severity Level, Number, and Message Text; Condition Symbol and Explanation


severe (1): Not a Fortran-specific error

FOR$IOS_NOTFORSPE. An error in the user program or in the RTL was not an Intel® Fortran-specific error and was not reportable through any other Intel® Fortran runtime messages.


severe (2): not implemented



warning (3): ignored requested disposition



warning (4): ignored requested disposition, file not deleted



warning (5): requested disposition modified, file not deleted, unit "number", file "string"



severe (8): Internal consistency check failure

FOR$IOS_BUG_CHECK. Internal error. Please check that the program is correct. Recompile if an error existed in the program. If this error persists, submit a problem report.


severe (9): Permission to access file denied

FOR$IOS_PERACCFIL. Check the permissions of the specified file and whether the network device is mapped and available. Make sure the correct file and device was being accessed. Change the protection, specific file, or process used before rerunning the program.


severe (10): Cannot overwrite existing file

FOR$IOS_CANOVEEXI. Specified file xxx already exists when OPEN statement specified STATUS='NEW' (create new file) using I/O unit x. Make sure correct file name, directory path, unit, and so forth were specified in the source program. Decide whether to:

  • Rename or remove the existing file before rerunning the program.

  • Modify the source file to specify different file specification, I/O unit, or OPEN statement STATUS.


info (11): Unit not connected

FOR$IOS_UNINOTCON. The specified unit was not open at the time of the attempted I/O operation. Check if correct unit number was specified. If appropriate, use an OPEN statement to explicitly open the file (connect the file to the unit number).


info (14): SOURCE length "number" does not equal variable length "number"



severe (17): Syntax error in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_SYNERRNAM. The syntax of input to a namelist-directed READ statement was incorrect.


severe (18): Too many values for NAMELIST variable

FOR$IOS_TOOMANVAL. An attempt was made to assign too many values to a variable during a namelist READ statement.


severe (19): Invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_INVREFVAR. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The variable was not a member of the namelist group.

  • An attempt was made to subscript a scalar variable.

  • A subscript of the array variable was out-of-bounds.

  • An array variable was specified with too many or too few subscripts for the variable.

  • An attempt was made to specify a substring of a non-character variable or array name.

  • A substring specifier of the character variable was out-of-bounds.

  • A subscript or substring specifier of the variable was not an integer constant.

  • An attempt was made to specify a substring by using an unsubscripted array variable.


severe (20): REWIND error

FOR$IOS_REWERR. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The file was not a sequential file.

  • The file was not opened for sequential or append access.

  • The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a REWIND statement.


severe (21): Duplicate file specifications

FOR$IOS_DUPFILSPE. Multiple attempts were made to specify file attributes without an intervening close operation. A DEFINE FILE statement was followed by another DEFINE FILE statement or an OPEN statement.


severe (22): Input record too long

FOR$IOS_INPRECTOO. A record was read that exceeded the explicit or default record length specified when the file was opened. To read the file, use an OPEN statement with a RECL=VALUE (record length) of the appropriate size.


severe (23): BACKSPACE error

FOR$IOS_BACERR. The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a BACKSPACE statement.


severe (24): End-of-file during read

FOR$IOS_ENDDURREA. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • An Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system end-of-file condition was encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.

  • An end-of-file record written by the ENDFILE statement was encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.

  • An attempt was made to read past the end of an internal file character string or array during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.

This error is returned by END and ERRSNS.


severe (25): Record number outside range

FOR$IOS_RECNUMOUT. A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement specified a record number outside the range specified when the file was opened.


severe (26): OPEN or DEFINE FILE required

FOR$IOS_OPEDEFREQ. A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement was attempted for a file when no prior DEFINE FILE or OPEN statement with ACCESS='DIRECT' was performed for that file.


severe (27): Too many records in I/O statement

FOR$IOS_TOOMANREC. An attempt was made to do one of the following:

  • Read or write more than one record with an ENCODE or DECODE statement.

  • Write more records than existed.


severe (28): CLOSE error

FOR$IOS_CLOERR. An error condition was detected by the Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system during execution of a CLOSE statement.


severe (29): File not found

FOR$IOS_FILNOTFOU. A file with the specified name could not be found during an OPEN operation.


severe (30): Open failure

FOR$IOS_OPEFAI. An error was detected by the Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system while attempting to open a file in an OPEN, INQUIRE, or other I/O statement. This message is issued when the error condition is not one of the more common conditions for which specific error messages are provided. It can occur when an OPEN operation was attempted for one of the following:

  • Segmented file that was not on a disk or a raw magnetic tape

  • Standard I/O file that had been closed


severe (31): Mixed file access modes

FOR$IOS_MIXFILACC. An attempt was made to use any of the following combinations:

  • Formatted and unformatted operations on the same unit

  • An invalid combination of access modes on a unit, such as direct and sequential

  • An Intel® Fortran RTL I/O statement on a logical unit that was opened by a program coded in another language


severe (32): Invalid logical unit number

FOR$IOS_INVLOGUNI. A logical unit number greater than 2,147,483,647 or less than zero was used in an I/O statement.


severe (33): ENDFILE error

FOR$IOS_ENDFILERR. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The file was not a sequential organization file with variable-length records.

  • The file was not opened for sequential, append, or direct access.

  • An unformatted file did not contain segmented records.

  • The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error during execution of an ENDFILE statement.


severe (34): Unit already open

FOR$IOS_UNIALROPE. A DEFINE FILE statement specified a logical unit that was already opened.


severe (35): Segmented record format error

FOR$IOS_SEGRECFOR. An invalid segmented record control data word was detected in an unformatted sequential file. The file was probably either created with RECORDTYPE='FIXED' or 'VARIABLE' in effect, or was created by a program written in a language other than Fortran or Standard Fortran.


severe (36): Attempt to access non-existent record

FOR$IOS_ATTACCNON. A direct-access READ or FIND statement attempted to access beyond the end of a relative file (or a sequential file on disk with fixed-length records) or access a record that was previously deleted from a relative file.


severe (37): Inconsistent record length

FOR$IOS_INCRECLEN. An attempt was made to open a direct access file without specifying a record length.


severe (38): Error during write

FOR$IOS_ERRDURWRI. The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a WRITE statement.


severe (39): Error during read

FOR$IOS_ERRDURREA. The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a READ statement.


severe (40): Recursive I/O operation

FOR$IOS_RECIO_OPE. While processing an I/O statement for a logical unit, another I/O operation on the same logical unit was attempted, such as a function subprogram that performs I/O to the same logical unit that was referenced in an expression in an I/O list or variable format expression.


severe (41): Insufficient virtual memory

FOR$IOS_INSVIRMEM. The Intel® Fortran RTL attempted to exceed its available virtual memory while dynamically allocating space. To overcome this problem, investigate increasing the data limit. Before you try to run this program again, wait until the new system resources take effect.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE or a DEALLOCATE statement.


severe (42): No such device

FOR$IOS_NO_SUCDEV. A pathname included an invalid or unknown device name when an OPEN operation was attempted.


severe (43): File name specification error

FOR$IOS_FILNAMSPE. A pathname or file name given to an OPEN or INQUIRE statement was not acceptable to the Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system.


severe (44): Inconsistent record type

FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP. The RECORDTYPE value in an OPEN statement did not match the record type attribute of the existing file that was opened.


severe (45): Keyword value error in OPEN statement

FOR$IOS_KEYVALERR. An improper value was specified for an OPEN or CLOSE statement specifier requiring a value.


severe (46): Inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parameters

FOR$IOS_INCOPECLO. Specifications in an OPEN or CLOSE statement were inconsistent. Some invalid combinations follow:






  • CLOSE statement STATUS='DELETE' with OPEN statement READONLY



severe (47): Write to READONLY file

FOR$IOS_WRIREAFIL. A write operation was attempted to a file that was declared ACTION='READ' or READONLY in the OPEN statement that is currently in effect.


severe (48): Invalid argument to Fortran Runtime Library

FOR$IOS_INVARGFOR. The compiler passed an invalid or improperly coded argument to the Intel® Fortran RTL. This can occur if the compiler is newer than the RTL in use.


severe (49): invalid key specification, unit "number", file "string"



severe (50): inconsistent key change or duplicate key, unit "number", file "string"



severe (51): Inconsistent file organization

FOR$IOS_INCFILORG. The file organization specified in an OPEN statement did not match the organization of the existing file.


severe (52): specified record locked, unit "number", file "string"



severe (53): No current record, unit "number", file "string"

FOR$IOS_NO_CURREC. Attempted to execute a REWRITE statement to rewrite a record when the current record was undefined. To define the current record, execute a successful READ statement. You can optionally perform an INQUIRE statement on the logical unit after the READ statement and before the REWRITE statement. No other operations on the logical unit may be performed between the READ and REWRITE statements.


severe (54): REWRITE error, unit "number", file "string"



severe (55): DELETE error, unit "number", file "string"

FOR$IOS_DELERR. An error condition was detected by the Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system during execution of a DELETE statement.


severe (56): UNLOCK error, unit "number", file "string"



severe (57): FIND error, unit "number", file "string"

FOR$IOS_FINERR. The Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a FIND statement.


info (58): Format syntax error at or near xx

FOR$IOS_FMTSYN. Check the statement containing xx, a character substring from the format string, for a format syntax error. For more information, see the FORMAT statement.


severe (59): List-directed I/O syntax error

FOR$IOS_LISIO_SYN. The data in a list-directed input record had an invalid format, or the type of the constant was incompatible with the corresponding variable. The value of the variable was unchanged.


Note: The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error number 59. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.


severe (60): Infinite format loop

FOR$IOS_INFFORLOO. The format associated with an I/O statement that included an I/O list had no field descriptors to use in transferring those values.


severe or info(61): Format/variable-type mismatch

FOR$IOS_FORVARMIS. An attempt was made either to read or write a real variable with an integer field descriptor (I, L, O, Z, B), or to read or write an integer or logical variable with a real field descriptor (D, E, or F). To suppress this error message, see the description of check[:]noformat.


Note: The severity depends on the check[:]keywords option used during the compilation command. The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.


severe (62): Syntax error in format

FOR$IOS_SYNERRFOR. A syntax error was encountered while the RTL was processing a format stored in an array or character variable.


error or info(63): Output conversion error

FOR$IOS_OUTCONERR. During a formatted output operation, the value of a particular number could not be output in the specified field length without loss of significant digits. When this situation is encountered, the overflowed field is filled with asterisks to indicate the error in the output record. If no ERR address has been defined for this error, the program continues after the error message is displayed. To suppress this error message, see the description of check[:]nooutput_conversion.


Note: The severity depends on the check[:]keywords option used during the compilation command. The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.


severe (64): Input conversion error

FOR$IOS_INPCONERR. During a formatted input operation, an invalid character was detected in an input field, or the input value overflowed the range representable in the input variable. The value of the variable was set to zero.


The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.


error (65): Floating invalid

FOR$IOS_FLTINV. During an arithmetic operation, the floating-point values used in a calculation were invalid for the type of operation requested or invalid exceptional values. For example, the error can occur if you request a log of the floating-point values 0.0 or a negative number. For certain arithmetic expressions, specifying the check[:]nopower option can suppress this message.


severe (66): Output statement overflows record

FOR$IOS_OUTSTAOVE. An output statement attempted to transfer more data than would fit in the maximum record size.


severe (67): Input statement requires too much data

FOR$IOS_INPSTAREQ. Attempted to read more data than exists in a record with an unformatted READ statement or with a formatted sequential READ statement from a file opened with a PAD='NO' specifier.


severe (68): Variable format expression value error

FOR$IOS_VFEVALERR. The value of a variable format expression was not within the range acceptable for its intended use; for example, a field width was less than or equal to zero. A value of 1 was assumed, except for a P edit descriptor, for which a value of zero was assumed.


The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.


error (69): Process interrupted (SIGINT)

FOR$IOS_SIGINT. The process received the signal SIGINT. Determine source of this interrupt signal (described in signal(3)).


severe (70): Integer overflow

FOR$IOS_INTOVF. During an arithmetic operation, an integer value exceeded byte, word, or longword range. The result of the operation was the correct low-order part. Consider specifying a larger integer data size (modify source program or, for an INTEGER declaration, possibly use the integer-size[:]size option).


severe (71): Integer divide by zero

FOR$IOS_INTDIV. During an integer arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero. The result of the operation was set to the dividend, which is equivalent to division by 1.


error (72): Floating overflow

FOR$IOS_FLTOVF. During an arithmetic operation, a floating-point value exceeded the largest representable value for that data type. See Data Representation for ranges of the various data types.


error (73): Floating divide by zero

FOR$IOS_FLTDIV. During a floating-point arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero.


error (74): Floating underflow

FOR$IOS_FLTUND. During an arithmetic operation, a floating-point value became less than the smallest finite value for that data type. Depending on the values of the fpe[:]n option, the underflowed result was either set to zero or allowed to gradually underflow. See the Data Representation for ranges of the various data types.


error (75): Floating point exception

FOR$IOS_SIGFPE. A floating-point exception occurred. Possible causes include:

  • Division by zero.

  • Overflow.

  • An invalid operation, such as subtraction of infinite values, multiplication of zero by infinity without signs), division of zero by zero or infinity by infinity.

  • Conversion of floating-point to fixed-point format when an overflow prevents conversion.


error (76): IOT trap signal

FOR$IOS_SIGIOT. Core dump file created. Examine core dump for possible cause of this IOT signal.


severe (77): Subscript out of range

FOR$IOS_SUBRNG. An array reference was detected outside the declared array bounds.


error (78): Process killed

FOR$IOS_SIGTERM. The process received a signal requesting termination of this process. Determine the source of this software termination signal.


error (79): Process quit

FOR$IOS_SIGQUIT. The process received a signal requesting termination of itself. Determine the source of this quit signal.


severe (80): wrong number of arguments



severe (81): invalid argument to math library



severe (82): undefined exponentiation



severe (83): logarithm of zero or negative value



severe (84): square root of negative value



info (85): output conversion overflows field, unit "number", file "string"



severe (87): significance lost in math library



severe (88): floating overflow in math library


89 1

error (89): floating underflow in math library



info (90): INQUIRE of internal unit-number is always an error (NOTE: unit identifies a file)

FOR$IOS_IOSTAT_INTERNAL. The file name specified for an INQUIRE statement is an internal unit-number.


info (91): INQUIRE of internal unit-number is always an error (NOTE: unit does not identify a file)

FOR$IOS_IOSTAT_INTERNAL_UNIT. The unit number specified for an INQUIRE statement is an internal unit-number.


severe (93): adjustable array dimension error



severe (94): invalid key match specifier for key direction, unit "number", file "string"



info (95): Floating-point conversion failed

FOR$IOS_FLOCONFAI. The attempted unformatted read or write of non-native floating-point data failed because the floating-point value:

  • Exceeded the allowable maximum value for the equivalent native format and was set equal to infinity (plus or minus).

  • Was infinity (plus or minus) and was set to infinity (plus or minus).

  • Was invalid and was set to not a number (NaN).

Very small numbers are set to zero (0). This error could be caused by the specified non-native floating-point format not matching the floating-point format found in the specified file. Check the following:


info (96): F_UFMTENDIAN environment variable was ignored:erroneous syntax

FOR$IOS_UFMTENDIAN. Syntax for specifying whether little endian or big endian conversion is performed for a given Fortran unit was incorrect. Even though the program will run, the results might not be correct if you do not change the value of F_UFMTENDIAN. For correct syntax, see Environment Variable F_UFMTENDIAN Method.


severe (97): write exceeds the record length of the file, unit "number", file "string"



severe (98): cannot allocate memory for the file buffer - out of memory

FOR_S_NOMEMFORIO. This error often occurs during a file I-O operation such as OPEN, READ, or WRITE. Either increase the amount of memory available to the program, or reduce its demand.


severe (99): FORT_FMT_RECL environment variable has erroneous syntax



severe (100): FORT_UFMT_RECL environment variable has erroneous syntax



severe (101): Asynchronous data transfer statement is not allowed to this unit, unit "number", file "string"



severe (102): ID value is out of range, unit "number", file "string"



severe (103): incorrect "string" specifier for connected file, unit "number", file "string"



severe (104): incorrect "XXXXX=" specifier value for connected file

FOR$IOS_BADSPECVAL. The listed specifier value is invalid for the connected file. Possible specifier values are one of the following:






  • FORM=



  • MODE=



  • RECL=


  • SHARE=


  • TITLE=


severe (105): there is no data-edit-descriptor to match a data-item in the I/O list, unit "number", file "string"



severe (106): FORT_BLOCKSIZE environment variable has erroneous syntax

FOR_S_INVBLOCKSIZE. Syntax for specifying the default block size value was incorrect. For correct syntax, see Environment Variable FORT_BLOCKSIZE.


severe (107): FORT_BUFFERCOUNT environment variable has erroneous syntax

FOR_S_INVBUFRCNT. Syntax for specifying the default buffer count value was incorrect. For correct syntax, see Environment Variable FORT_BUFFERCOUNT.


severe (108): Cannot stat file

FOR$IOS_CANSTAFILE. Make sure correct file and unit were specified.


info (109): stream data transfer statement is not allowed to an unopened unit

FOR$IOS_SIONOTOPEN. Stream data transfer statement is not allowed to an unopened unit.


severe (110): stream data transfer statement is not allowed to this unit, unit "number", file "string"



severe (111): position number is outside of the valid range, unit "number", file "string"



severe (112): RECL= specifier may not be applied to stream access file, unit "number", file "string"



severe (113): BACKSPACE statement may not be applied to unformatted stream access file, unit "number", file "string"



severe (114): A keyword was specified that is not allowed with unformatted I/O; unit "number", file "string"



severe (115): keyword value error in a CLOSE statement, unit "number", file "string"



severe (116): keyword value error in an I/O statement, unit "number", file "string"



severe (117): If NEWUNIT appears in OPEN statement either FILE or STATUS (with value SCRATCH) specifier shall appear



severe (118): The 'RECL=' value in an OPEN statement exceeds the maximum allowed for the file's record type.

FOR$IOS_MAX_FXD_RECL. The 'RECL=' value in an OPEN statement is too large for the file’s record type.


severe (119): The FORT_BUFFERING_THRESHOLD environment variable has erroneous syntax

FOR$ IOS_INVTHRESHOLD. If specified, the FORT_BUFFERING_THRESHOLD environment variable must be an integer value greater than zero and less than 2147483647.


severe (120): Operation requires seek ability

FOR$IOS_OPEREQSEE. Attempted an operation on a file that requires the ability to perform seek operations on that file. Make sure the correct unit, directory path, and file were specified.


severe (121): Cannot access current working directory

FOR$IOS_CWDERROR. Cannot access the current working directory to open or access a file. One of the following conditions occurred:

  • The directory has been deleted or moved by another task.

  • The getcwd system function failed due to an OS or file-system problem.


severe (122): invalid attempt to assign into a pointer that is not associated

FOR$IOS_UNASSOCPTR. Invalid attempt to assign into a pointer that is not associated.


severe (123): attempt to assign a scalar to an unallocated allocatable array



severe (124): Invalid command supplied to EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE

FOR$ IOS_INVCMDECL. The command line passed to the EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE intrinsic is invalid.


This error can be returned by CMDSTAT in an EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE statement.


severe (125): A derived type variable in this statement requires a DT format specifier because it has a component that is ALLOCATABLE, POINTER, or PRIVATE, unit "number", file "string"



severe (126): A non-advancing READ immediately following a non-advancing WRITE on the same unit number is not allowed, unit "number"



severe (127): User Defined I/O procedure returned error <user-iostat, message: '<user-iomsg>'

FOR$IOS_UDIO_CHILD_IOSTAT_IOMSG. A child I/O action has set the IOMSG and IOSTAT shown in this message.


info (128): Error stop – program terminated

FOR$IOS_ERROR_STOP. The user program has executed an ERROR STOP statement.


info (129): User Defined I/O procedure's IOMSG was truncated to fit IOMSG variable

FOR$IOS_UDIO_IOMSG_TRUNCATED. A child I/O action has set IOMSG and IOSTAT. The result was too large to be held by the parent's IOMSG variable; non-blank text has been truncated.


severe (138): Array index out of bounds

FOR$IOS_BRK_RANGE. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe: (139): Array index out of bounds for index "number"

FOR$IOS_BRK_RANGE2. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


error (140): Floating inexact

FOR$IOS_FLTINE. A floating-point arithmetic or conversion operation gave a result that differs from the mathematically exact result. This trap is reported if the rounded result of an IEEE operation is not exact.


severe (144): Reserved operand

FOR$IOS_ROPRAND. The Intel® Fortran RTL encountered a reserved operand while executing your program. Please report the problem to Intel.


severe (145): Assertion error

FOR$IOS_ASSERTERR. The Intel® Fortran RTL encountered an assertion error. Please report the problem to Intel.


severe (146): Null pointer error

FOR$IOS_NULPTRERR. Attempted to use a pointer that does not contain an address. Modify the source program, recompile, and relink.


severe (147): Stack overflow

FOR$IOS_STKOVF. The Intel® Fortran RTL encountered a stack overflow while executing your program.


severe (148): String length error

FOR$IOS_STRLENERR. During a string operation, an integer value appears in a context where the value of the integer is outside the permissible string length range. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe (149): Substring error

FOR$IOS_SUBSTRERR. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of an array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe (150): Range error

FOR$IOS_RANGEERR. An integer value appears in a context where the value of the integer is outside the permissible range.


severe (151): Allocatable array is already allocated

FOR$IOS_INVREALLOC. An allocatable array must not already be allocated when you attempt to allocate it. You must deallocate the array before it can again be allocated.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (152): Unresolved contention for Intel Fortran RTL global resource

FOR$IOS_RESACQFAI. Failed to acquire an Intel® Fortran RTL global resource for a reentrant routine. For a multithreaded program, the requested global resource is held by a different thread in your program. For a program using asynchronous handlers, the requested global resource is held by the calling part of the program (such as main program) and your asynchronous handler attempted to acquire the same global resource.


severe (153): Allocatable array or pointer is not allocated

FOR$IOS_INVDEALLOC. A Standard Fortran allocatable array or pointer must already be allocated when you attempt to deallocate it. You must allocate the array or pointer before it can again be deallocated.


This error can be returned by STAT in an DEALLOCATE statement.


severe (154): Array index out of bounds

FOR$IOS_RANGE. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe (155): Array index out of bounds for index "number"

FOR$IOS_RANGE2. An array subscript is outside the dimensioned boundaries of that array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe (156): GENTRAP code = hex dec

FOR$IOS_DEF_GENTRAP. The Intel® Fortran RTL has detected an unknown GENTRAP code. The cause is most likely a software problem due to memory corruption, or software signaling an exception with an incorrect exception code. Try setting the check[:]bounds option and recompile to see if that finds the problem.


severe (157): Program Exception - access violation

FOR$IOS_ACCVIO. The program tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. Try setting the check[:]bounds option and recompile to see if the problem is an out-of-bounds memory reference or a argument mismatch that causes data to be treated as an address.

Other possible causes of this error include:

  • Mismatches in C vs. STDCALL calling mechanisms, causing the stack to become corrupted.

  • References to unallocated pointers.

  • Attempting to access a protected (for example, read-only) address.


severe (158): Program Exception - datatype misalignment

FOR$IOS_DTYPE_MISALIGN. The Intel® Fortran RTL has detected data that is not aligned on a natural boundary for the data type specified. For example, a REAL(8) data item aligned on natural boundaries has an address that is a multiple of 8. To ensure naturally aligned data, use the align option.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (159): Program Exception - breakpoint

FOR$IOS_PGM_BPT. The Intel® Fortran RTL has encountered a breakpoint in the program.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (160): Program Exception - single step

FOR$IOS_PGM_SS. A trace trap or other single-instruction mechanism has signaled that one instruction has been executed.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (161): Program Exception - array bounds exceeded

FOR$IOS_PGM_BOUNDS. The program tried to access an array element that is outside the specified boundaries of the array. Set the check[:]bounds option and recompile.


severe (162): Program Exception - denormal floating-point operand

FOR$IOS_PGM_DENORM. A floating-point arithmetic or conversion operation has a subnormalized number as an operand. A subnormalized number is smaller than the lowest value in the normal range for the data type specified. See Data Representation for ranges for floating-point types.

Either locate and correct the source code causing the subnormalized value or, if a subnormalized value is acceptable, specify a different value for the fpe compiler option to allow program continuation.


severe (163): Program Exception - floating stack check

FOR$IOS_PGM_FLTSTK. During a floating-point operation, the floating-point register stack on systems using IA-32 architecture overflowed or underflowed. This is a fatal exception. The most likely cause is calling a REAL function as if it were an INTEGER function or subroutine, or calling an INTEGER function or subroutine as if it were a REAL function.

Carefully check that the calling code and routine being called agree as to how the routine is declared. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please send a problem report with an example to Intel.


severe (164): Program Exception - integer divide by zero

FOR$IOS_PGM_INTDIV. During an integer arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero. Locate and correct the source code causing the integer divide by zero.


severe (165): Program Exception - integer overflow

FOR$IOS_PGM_INTOVF. During an arithmetic operation, an integer value exceeded the largest representable value for that data type. See Data Representation for ranges for INTEGER types.


severe (166): Program Exception - privileged instruction

FOR$IOS_PGM_PRIVINST. The program tried to execute an instruction whose operation is not allowed in the current machine mode.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (167): Program Exception - in page error

FOR$IOS_PGM_INPGERR. The program tried to access a page that was not present, so the system was unable to load the page. For example, this error might occur if a network connection was lost while trying to run a program over the network.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (168): Program Exception - illegal instruction

FOR$IOS_PGM_ILLINST. The program tried to execute an invalid instruction.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (169): Program Exception - noncontinuable exception

FOR$IOS_PGM_NOCONTEXCP. The program tried to continue execution after a noncontinuable exception occurred.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (170): Program Exception - stack overflow

FOR$IOS_PGM_STKOVF. The Intel® Fortran RTL has detected a stack overflow while executing your program. See your Release Notes for information on how to increase stack size.


severe (171): Program Exception - invalid disposition

FOR$IOS_PGM_INVDISP. An exception handler returned an invalid disposition to the exception dispatcher. Programmers using a high-level language should never encounter this exception.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (172): Program Exception - exception code = hex dec

FOR$IOS_PGM_EXCP_CODE. The Intel® Fortran RTL has detected an unknown exception code.

This is an operating system error. See your operating system documentation for more information.


severe (173): A pointer passed to DEALLOCATE points to an array that cannot be deallocated

FOR$IOS_INVDEALLOC2. A pointer that was passed to DEALLOCATE pointed to an explicit array, an array slice, or some other type of memory that could not be deallocated in a DEALLOCATE statement. Only whole arrays previous allocated with an ALLOCATE statement may be validly passed to DEALLOCATE.


This error can be returned by STAT in a DEALLOCATE statement.


severe (174): SIGSEGV, message-text

FOR$IOS_SIGSEGV. One of two possible messages occurs for this error number:

  • severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

    This message indicates that the program attempted an invalid memory reference. Check the program for possible errors.

  • severe (174): SIGSEGV, possible program stack overflow occurred

    The following explanatory text also appears:

    Program requirements exceed current stacksize resource limit.


severe (175): DATE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=8

FOR$IOS_SHORTDATEARG. The number of characters associated with the DATE argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least eight characters in length. Verify that the TIME and ZONE arguments also meet their minimum lengths.


severe (176): TIME argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=10

FOR$IOS_SHORTTIMEARG. The number of characters associated with the TIME argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least ten characters in length. Verify that the DATE and ZONE arguments also meet their minimum lengths.


severe (177): ZONE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=5

FOR$IOS_SHORTZONEARG. The number of characters associated with the ZONE argument to the DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic was shorter than the required length. You must increase the number of characters passed in for this argument to be at least five characters in length. Verify that the DATE and TIME arguments also meet their minimum lengths.


severe (178): Divide by zero

FOR$IOS_DIV. A floating-point or integer divide-by-zero exception occurred.


severe (179): Cannot allocate array - overflow on array size calculation

FOR$IOS_ARRSIZEOVF. An attempt to dynamically allocate storage for an array failed because the required storage size exceeds addressable memory.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (180): SIGBUS, "string"

FOR$IOS_SIGBUSERR. This message is issued when a SIGBUS occurs.


error (181): Unlimited-format-item is *(format-item-list). Format-item in list must not be empty



severe (182): floating invalid - possible uninitialized real/complex variable.

FOR$ IOS_FLTINV_UNINIT. An invalid floating-point operation failed invalid – likely caused by an uninitialized real/complex variable.


warning (183): FASTMEM allocation is requested but the libmemkind library is not linked in, so using the default allocator.

FOR$IOS_NOLIBMEMKINDWARN. An allocation requested FASTMEM but the libmemkind library is not linked into the executable, so memory will be allocated from the default memory allocator for that platform.


severe (184): FASTMEM allocation is requested but the libmemkind library is not linked into the executable.

FOR$IOS_NOLIBMEMKINDWARN. An allocation request for FASTMEM failed because the libmemkind library is not linked into the executable.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


warning (185): FASTMEM allocation is requested but HBW memory is not available, so using the default allocator.

FOR$IOS_NOFASTMEMWARN. An allocation requested FASTMEM but HBW memory is not available on the node, so memory will be allocated from the default memory allocator for that platform.


severe (186): FASTMEM allocation is requested but HBW memory is not available on this node.

FOR$IOS_NOLIBMEMKINDWARN. An allocation request for FASTMEM failed because HBW memory is not available on this node.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (188): An assignment was made from an object of one size to an object of a different size that cannot be deallocated.

FOR$ IOS_INCOMPATIBLE_SIZES. An assignment was made from an object of one size to an object of a different size that cannot be deallocated.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (189): LHS and RHS of an assignment statement have incompatible types.

FOR$ IOS_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES. The left-hand side (LHS) of an assignment statement is not type compatible with the right-hand side (RHS) of the assignment statement.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (190): For allocate(source=), source needs to be allocated.

FOR$ IOS_ALLOC_INVSOURCE. For allocate(source=), if source is a pointer then it should be associated with a target. If it is allocatable, it should be allocated.


This error can be returned by STAT in an ALLOCATE statement.


severe (193): Runtime Check Failure. The variable "string" is being used without being defined



severe (194): Runtime Check Failure. The variable "string" is being used in "string" without being defined.

FOR$IOS_RTC_UNINIT_USE_SRC. The named variable in the named source file is being used without first being initialized.


severe (195): An allocatable coarray cannot be allocated by an assignment statement



error (200): program aborting due to "string" event



severe (201): Intel Pentium fdiv flaw detected, please update the processor



info (255): if a UDIO child sets IOMSG, it must set IOSTAT non-zero, unit "number", file "string"



severe (256): Unformatted I/O to unit open for formatted transfers

FOR$IOS_UNFIO_FMT. Attempted unformatted I/O to a unit where the OPEN statement (FORM specifier) indicated the file was formatted. Check that the correct unit (file) was specified. If the FORM specifier was not present in the OPEN statement and the file contains unformatted data, specify FORM='UNFORMATTED' in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, if appropriate, use formatted I/O (such as list-directed or namelist I/O).


severe (257): Formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers

FOR$IOS_FMTIO_UNF. Attempted formatted I/O (such as list-directed or namelist I/O) to a unit where the OPEN statement indicated the file was unformatted (FORM specifier). Check that the correct unit (file) was specified. If the FORM specifier was not present in the OPEN statement and the file contains formatted data, specify FORM='FORMATTED' in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, if appropriate, use unformatted I/O.


severe (258): direct-access I/O to unit open for keyed access, unit "number", file "string"



severe (259): Sequential-access I/O to unit open for direct access

FOR$IOS_SEQIO_DIR. The OPEN statement for this unit number specified direct access and the I/O statement specifies sequential access. Check the OPEN statement and make sure the I/O statement uses the correct unit number and type of access.


severe (260): keyed-access I/O to unit open for direct access, unit "number", file "string"



severe (261): I/O to non-FORTRAN unit



severe (264): operation requires file to be on disk or tape

FOR$IOS_OPEREQDIS. Attempted to use a BACKSPACE statement on such devices as a terminal.


severe (265): operation requires sequential file organization and access

FOR$IOS_OPEREQSEQ. Attempted to use a BACKSPACE statement on a file whose organization was not sequential or whose access was not sequential. A BACKSPACE statement can only be used for sequential files opened for sequential access.


error (266): Fortran abort routine called

FOR$IOS_PROABOUSE. The program called the abort routine to terminate itself.


severe (268): End of record during read

FOR$IOS_ENDRECDUR. An end-of-record condition was encountered during execution of a non-advancing I/O READ statement that did not specify the EOR branch specifier.


severe (269): Another process has this file locked for shared/exclusive use, unit "number", file "string"



severe (270): A SHARE= lock request in an OPEN statement is incompatible with a [NO]SHARED specifier and/or the file's open mode, unit "number", file "string"



severe (271): a UDIO child routine may not use POS= or REC=, unit "number", file "string"



severe (272): a UDIO child routine may not set IOSTAT to a negative value other than -1 or -2, unit "number", file "string"



info (273): if a UDIO child sets IOSTAT, it must set IOMSG, unit "number", file "string"



severe (274): OPEN operation is forbidden while in child IO



severe (275): CLOSE operation is forbidden while in child IO



severe (276): BACKSPACE operation is forbidden while in child IO



severe (277): ENDFILE operation is forbidden while in child IO



severe (278): REWIND operation is forbidden while in child IO



info (279): Image "number" detected some other images had stopped



info (280): Image "number" had a memory error



info (281): Image "number" got an error from MPI



info (282): Image "number" detected an invalid operation



info (283): Image "number" detected an overflow



info (284): Image "number" asked to do an unimplemented action



info (285): Image "number" detected some other images had failed



info (286): Image "number" detected some other images had stopped and some had failed



info (287): Image "number" could not get an MPI communicator to use

FOR$IOS_NO_COMM. This problem with MPI will prevent formation of a TEAM.


info (288): Image "number" detected an invalid new team ID

FOR$IOS_BAD_NEW_TEAM_ID. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (289): Image "number" was given an invalid new image ID

FOR$IOS_BAD_NEW_IMAGE_ID. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (290): Image "number" was given a duplicate new image ID

FOR$IOS_DUPLICATE_NEW_ID. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (291): Image "number" detected new image IDs are not dense

FOR$IOS_NEW_IDS_NOT_DENSE. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (292): Image "number" detected new image IDs did not start at 1

FOR$IOS_NEW_IDS_NOT_FROM_1. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (293): Image "number" can't change to that team

FOR$IOS_CANT_CHANGE_TO_TEAM. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement.


info (294): Image "number"'s parent team is not active

FOR$IOS_ICAF_PARENT_NOT_ACTIVE. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement. The user tried an operation on an image, but the image's team is not active, so the operation failed.


info (295): Image "number" detected that current team is not active

FOR$IOS_CURRENT_NOT_ACTIVE. This pertains to the FORM TEAM statement. The user tried an operation which needs the current team to be active, but it isn't.


info (296): "number" floating inexact traps

FOR$IOS_FLOINEEXC. The total number of floating-point inexact data traps encountered during program execution was number. This summary message appears at program completion.


info (297): "number" floating invalid traps

FOR$IOS_FLOINVEXC. The total number of floating-point invalid data traps encountered during program execution was number. This summary message appears at program completion.


info (298): "number" floating overflow traps

FOR$IOS_FLOOVFEXC. The total number of floating-point overflow traps encountered during program execution was number. This summary message appears at program completion.


info (299): "number" floating divide-by-zero traps

FOR$IOS_FLODIV0EXC. The total number of floating-point divide-by-zero traps encountered during program execution was number. This summary message appears at program completion.


info (300): "number" floating underflow traps

FOR$IOS_FLOUNDEXC. The total number of floating-point underflow traps encountered during program execution was number. This summary message appears at program completion.


info (301): Image "number" detected that new team is not active



info (302): Image "number" detected bad team nesting



info (303): Image "number" was given an bad image ID



info (304): Image "number" was given a bad team ID



info (305): Image "number" had an internal error, invalid team variable



info (306): Image "number" could not define the reduction

FOR$IOS_ICAF_REDUCTION_DEF_FAIL. Pertains to user-defined reduction operations.


info (307): Image "number" did not recognize that reduction

FOR$IOS_ICAF_UNKNOWN_REDUCTION. Pertains to user-defined reduction operations.


info (308): Image "number" detected a bad argument



info (309): Image "number" had an internal error



info (310): Image "number" had a pipe IO error



info (311): Image "number" used feature not supported on this architecture

FOR$IOS_ICAF_NOT_SUPPORTED_IA32. Coarray features are not supported on IA-32 architecture for the 2003 Standard or later.


info (312): Image "number" had an internal error configuring dynamic memory

FOR$IOS_ICAF_INTERNAL_DYN_CONFIG. Pertains to indirect pointers (one where the pointer is the address of memory on another image).


info (313): Image "number" internal error attaching dynamic memory

FOR$IOS_ICAF_ERROR_DYN_ATTACH. Pertains to indirect pointers (one where the pointer is the address of memory on another image).


info (314): Image "number" internal error detaching dynamic memory

FOR$IOS_ICAF_ERROR_DYN_DETACH. Pertains to indirect pointers (one where the pointer is the address of memory on another image).


info (315): Image "number" used an unknown reduction operator



info (316): Image "number" unknown datatype for reduction operator



info (317): Image "number" non-arithmetic datatype for reduction operator



info (318): Image "number" (len,root) arguments didn't match image 1's

FOR$IOS_MISMATCHBROADCAST. This pertains to the BROADCAST operation.


info (319): Image "number" (len,root, op) arguments didn't match image 1's

FOR$IOS_MISMATCHBROADCAST_OP. This pertains to the BROADCAST operation.


error (320): Image "number" ERROR STOP statement is not supported



info (321): Image "number" Double initialization of coarray support



info (322): Environment variable '%s' should be defined to 'YES' or 'NO'



error (323): Image "number" had internal error in critical region support



error (324): Image "number" could not force unlock of critical region held by failed image



error (325): Image "number"; can't do this operation on an inactive team



error (326): Image "number"; more sub-teams than images



error (327): Image "number"; mix of default new ids and specified new ids



error (328): Image "number": may not delete or free active team variable



error (329): Image "number": the specified team does not exist



error (330): Image "number": a failed image means a 'hole' in the new image-ids



error (331): Image "number": may only change to a team which is the result of FORM TEAM



error (332): Image "number": there are no non-failed images for this operation



error (333): Image "number": team object has wrong version number



error (334): Image "number": specified invalid team



warning (335): Image "number": the DIM argument "number" to THIS_IMAGE is out-of-range



severe (399): Diagnostic message buffer overflow, hex message number was "hex-number"



info (450): forrtl:



info (451): forrtl: info ("number"):



info (452): forrtl: warning ("number"):



info (453): forrtl: error ("number"):



info (454): forrtl: severe ("number"):



info (455): forrtl



severe (500): Message not found

FOR$IOS_ MSG_NOT_FOUND. An internal error occurred in error-message processing.


severe (501): Insufficient memory to allocate Fortran RTL message



severe (502): Insufficient memory to allocate Fortran RTL message buffer, message #"number"



severe (503): Insufficient memory to allocate Fortran RTL message buffer, message #"number" = hex "hex-number"



severe (504): FormatMessage failed for system message number "number"



info (505): Intel(r) Visual Fortran runtime error



info (506): The allocation of dynamic common "string" of size "string" in procedure "string" failed



info (508): The current size of dynamic common "string" is "string"



info (509): The declared size in procedure "string" is "string" bytes



info (510): Heap Allocation Failure while creating common "string" in procedure "string"



info (512): Intel(r) Visual Fortran runtime error



info (514): , line "string", position "number"



info (515): "string"Allocate Dynamic Common Error - "string"



info (516): Allocation Failure



info (517): Inconsistent Common Size



info (518): Empty Heap



info (519): Incrementally linked image--PC correlation disabled



info (520): Stack trace terminated abnormally



info (521): Stop - Program terminated



info (522): Return code



info (523): File name missing or blank - please enter file name



info (524): UNIT "number"?



warning (525): IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO is signaling



warning (526): IEEE_INVALID is signaling



warning (527): IEEE_OVERFLOW is signaling



warning (528): IEEE_UNDERFLOW is signaling



Info (529): Attempt to close a unit which was not open.

FOR$IOS_SYNERRNAM. The unit number specified on a CLOSE statement is not currently open.


info (530): FILE= specifier ignored when STATUS has value SCRATCH



error (531): SEGMENTED record length includes control bytes, must be greater than 4, unit "number", file "string"



severe (540): Array or substring subscript expression out of range

FOR$IOS_F6096. An expression used to index an array was smaller than the lower dimension bound or larger than the upper dimension bound.


severe (541): CHARACTER substring expression out of range

FOR$IOS_F6097. An expression used to index a character substring was illegal.


severe (542): Label not found in assigned GOTO list

FOR$IOS_F6098. The label assigned to the integer-variable name was not specified in the label list of the assigned GOTO statement.


severe (543): INTEGER arithmetic overflow

FOR$IOS_F6099. This error occurs whenever integer arithmetic results in overflow.


severe (544): INTEGER overflow on input

FOR$IOS_F6100. An integer item exceeded the legal size limits.

  • An INTEGER (1) item must be in the range -127 to 128.

  • An INTEGER (2) item must be in the range -32,767 to 32,768.

  • An INTEGER (4) item must be in the range -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,648.


severe (545): Invalid INTEGER

FOR$IOS_F6101. Either an illegal character appeared as part of an integer, or a numeric character larger than the radix was used in an alternate radix specifier.


severe (546): REAL indefinite (uninitialized or previous error)

FOR$IOS_F6102. An invalid real number was read from a file, an internal variable, or the console. This can happen if an invalid number is generated by passing an illegal argument to an intrinsic function -- for example, SQRT(-1) or ASIN(2). If the invalid result is written and then later read, the error will be generated.


severe (547): Invalid REAL

FOR$IOS_F6103. An illegal character appeared as part of a real number.


severe (548): REAL math overflow

FOR$IOS_F6104. A real value was too large. Floating-point overflows in either direct or emulated mode generate NaN (Not-A-Number) exceptions, which appear in the output field as asterisks (*) or the letters NAN.


severe (549): No matching CASE found for SELECT CASE



severe (550): INTEGER assignment overflow

FOR$IOS_F6106. This error occurs when assignment to an integer is out of range.


severe (551): Formatted I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6200. The program tried to perform formatted I/O on a unit opened with FORM='UNFORMATTED' or FORM='BINARY'.


severe (552): List-directed I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6201. The program tried to perform list-directed I/O on a file that was not opened with FORM='FORMATTED' and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'.


severe (553): Terminal I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6202. When a special device such as CON, LPT1, or PRN is opened in an OPEN statement, its access must be sequential and its format must be either formatted or binary. By default ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' and FORM='FORMATTED' in OPEN statements.

To generate this error the device's OPEN statement must contain an option not appropriate for a terminal device, such as ACCESS='DIRECT' or FORM='UNFORMATTED'.


severe (554): Direct I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6203. A REC=option was included in a statement that transferred data to a file that was opened with the ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' option.


severe (555): Unformatted I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6204. If a file is opened with FORM='FORMATTED', unformatted or binary data transfer is prohibited.


severe (556): A edit descriptor expected for CHARACTER

FOR$IOS_F6205. The A edit descriptor was not specified when a character data item was read or written using formatted I/O.


severe (557): E, F, D, or G edit descriptor expected for REAL

FOR$IOS_F6206. The E, F, D, or G edit descriptor was not specified when a real data item was read or written using formatted I/O.


severe (558): I edit descriptor expected for INTEGER

FOR$IOS_F6207. The I edit descriptor was not specified when an integer data item was read or written using formatted I/O.


severe (559): L edit descriptor expected for LOGICAL

FOR$IOS_F6208. The L edit descriptor was not specified when a logical data item was read or written using formatted I/O.


severe (560): File already open: parameter mismatch

FOR$IOS_F6209. An OPEN statement specified a connection between a unit and a filename that was already in effect. In this case, only the BLANK= specifier can have a different setting.


severe (561): Namelist I/O not consistent with OPEN options

FOR$IOS_F6210. The program tried to perform namelist I/O on a file that was not opened with FORM='FORMATTED' and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'.


severe (562): IOFOCUS option illegal with non-window unit

FOR$IOS_F6211. IOFOCUS was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-window unit. The IOFOCUS option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.


severe (563): IOFOCUS option illegal without QuickWin

FOR$IOS_F6212. IOFOCUS was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-QuickWin application. The IOFOCUS option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.


severe (564): TITLE illegal with non-window unit

FOR$IOS_F6213. TITLE was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-window unit. The TITLE option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.


severe (565): TITLE illegal without QuickWin

FOR$IOS_F6214. TITLE was specified in an OPEN or INQUIRE statement for a non-QuickWin application. The TITLE option can only be used when the unit opened or inquired about is a QuickWin child window.


severe (566): KEEP illegal for scratch file

FOR$IOS_F6300. STATUS='KEEP' was specified for a scratch file. This is illegal because scratch files are automatically deleted at program termination.


severe (567): SCRATCH illegal for named file

FOR$IOS_F6301. STATUS='SCRATCH' should not be used in a statement that includes a filename.


severe (568): Multiple radix specifiers

FOR$IOS_F6302. More than one alternate radix for numeric I/O was specified. F6302 can indicate an error in spacing or a mismatched format for data of different radices.


severe (569): Illegal radix specifier

FOR$IOS_F6303. A radix specifier was not between 2 and 36, inclusive. Alternate radix constants must be of the form n#ddd... where n is a radix from 2 to 36 inclusive and ddd... are digits with values less than the radix. For example, 3#12 and 34#7AX are valid constants with valid radix specifiers. 245#7A and 39#12 do not have valid radix specifiers and generate error 569 if input.


severe (570): Illegal STATUS value

FOR$IOS_F6304. An illegal value was used with the STATUS option.

STATUS accepts the following values:

  • 'KEEP' or 'DELETE'' when used with CLOSE statements

  • 'OLD', 'NEW', 'SCRATCH', or 'UNKNOWN' when used with OPEN statements


severe (571): Illegal MODE value

FOR$IOS_F6305. An illegal value was used with the MODE option.

MODE accepts the values 'READ', 'WRITE', or 'READWRITE'.


severe (572): Illegal ACCESS value

FOR$IOS_F6306. An illegal value was used with the ACCESS option.

ACCESS accepts the values 'SEQUENTIAL' and 'DIRECT'.


severe (573): Illegal BLANK value

FOR$IOS_F6307. An illegal value was used with the BLANK option.

BLANK accepts the values 'NULL' and 'ZERO'.


severe (574): Illegal FORM value

FOR$IOS_F6308. An illegal value was used with the FORM option.

FORM accepts the following values: 'FORMATTED', 'UNFORMATTED', and 'BINARY'.


severe (575): Illegal SHARE value

FOR$IOS_F6309. An illegal value was used with the SHARE option.

SHARE accepts the values 'COMPAT', 'DENYRW', 'DENYWR', 'DENYRD', and 'DENYNONE'.


severe (576): illegal LOCKMODE value



severe (577): Illegal record number

FOR$IOS_F6311. An invalid number was specified as the record number for a direct-access file.

The first valid record number for direct-access files is 1.


severe (578): No unit number associated with *

FOR$IOS_F6312. In an INQUIRE statement, the NUMBER option was specified for the file associated with * (console).


severe (579): illegal RECORDS value



severe (580): Illegal unit number

FOR$IOS_F6314. An illegal unit number was specified.

Legal unit numbers can range from 0 through 2**31-1, inclusive.


severe (581): Illegal RECL value

FOR$IOS_F6315. A negative or zero record length was specified for a direct file.

The smallest valid record length for direct files is 1.


severe (582): Array already allocated

FOR$IOS_F6316. The program attempted to ALLOCATE an already allocated array.


severe (583): Array size zero or negative

FOR$IOS_F6317. The size specified for an array in an ALLOCATE statement must be greater than zero.


severe (584): Non-HUGE array exceeds 64K



severe (585): Array not allocated

FOR$IOS_F6319. The program attempted to DEALLOCATE an array that was never allocated.


severe (586): BACKSPACE illegal on terminal device

FOR$IOS_F6400. A BACKSPACE statement specified a unit connected to a terminal device such as a terminal or printer.


severe (587): EOF illegal on terminal device

FOR$IOS_F6401. An EOF intrinsic function specified a unit connected to a terminal device such as a terminal or printer.


severe (588): ENDFILE illegal on terminal device

FOR$IOS_F6402. An ENDFILE statement specified a unit connected to a terminal device such as a terminal or printer.


severe (589): REWIND illegal on terminal device

FOR$IOS_F6403. A REWIND statement specified a unit connected to a terminal device such as a terminal or printer.


severe (590): DELETE illegal for read-only file

FOR$IOS_F6404. A CLOSE statement specified STATUS='DELETE' for a read-only file.


severe (591): External I/O illegal beyond end of file

FOR$IOS_F6405. The program tried to access a file after executing an ENDFILE statement or after it encountered the end-of-file record during a read operation.

A BACKSPACE, REWIND, or OPEN statement must be used to reposition the file before execution of any I/O statement that transfers data.


severe (592): Truncation error: file closed



severe (593): Terminal buffer overflow

FOR$IOS_F6407. More than 131 characters were input to a record of a unit connected to the terminal (keyboard). Note that the operating system may impose additional limits on the number of characters that can be input to the terminal in a single record.


severe (594): Comma delimiter disabled after left repositioning

FOR$IOS_F6408. If you have record lengths that exceed the buffer size associated with the record, (for instance, the record is a file with the buffer set by BLOCKSIZE in the OPEN statement), either you should not do left tabbing within the record, or you should not use commas as field delimiters. This is because commas are disabled as input field delimiters if left tabbing leaves the record positioned in a previous buffer.

For example, consider you have a file LONG.DAT that is one continuous record with data fields separated by commas. You then set the buffer associated with the file to 512 bytes, read more than one buffer size of data, tab left to data in the previous buffer, and attempt to read further data, as follows:

   INTEGER value(300)
   OPEN (1, FILE = 'LONG.DAT', BLOCKSIZE = 512)s
   READ (1, 100) (value(i), i = 1, 300)s
100 FORMAT (290I2,TL50,10I2)

In this case, error 594 occurs.


severe (595): LOCKING illegal on sequential file



severe (596): file already locked or unlocked



severe (597): file deadlocked



severe (599): File already connected to a different unit

FOR$IOS_F6413. The program tried to connect an already connected file to a new unit.

A file can be connected to only one unit at a time.


severe (600): Access not allowed


This error can be caused by one of the following:

  • The filename specified in an OPEN statement was a directory.

  • An OPEN statement tried to open a read-only file for writing.

  • The file was opened with SHARE='DENYRW' by another process.


severe (601): File already exists

FOR$IOS_F6415. An OPEN statement specified STATUS='NEW' for a file that already exists.


severe (602): File not found

FOR$IOS_F6416. An OPEN statement specified STATUS='OLD' for a specified file or a directory path that does not exist.


severe (603): Too many open files

FOR$IOS_F6417. The program exceeded the number of open files the operating system allows.


severe (604): Too many units connected

FOR$IOS_F6418. The program exceeded the number of units that can be connected at one time. Units are connected with the OPEN statement.


severe (605): Illegal structure for unformatted file

FOR$IOS_F6419. The file was opened with FORM='UNFORMATTED' and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', but its internal physical structure was incorrect or inconsistent. Possible causes: the file was created in another mode or by a non-Fortran program.


severe (606): Unknown unit number

FOR$IOS_F6420. A statement such as BACKSPACE or ENDFILE specified a file that had not yet been opened. (The READ and WRITE statements do not cause this problem because they prompt you for a file if the file has not been opened yet.)


severe (607): File read-only or locked against writing

FOR$IOS_F6421. The program tried to transfer data to a file that was opened in read-only mode or locked against writing.

The error message may indicate a CLOSE error when the fault is actually coming from WRITE. This is because the error is not discovered until the program tries to write buffered data when it closes the file.


severe (608): No space left on device

FOR$IOS_F6422. The program tried to transfer data to a file residing on a device (such as a hard disk) that was out of storage space.


severe (609): Too many threads

FOR$IOS_F6423. Too many threads were active simultaneously. At most, 32 threads can be active at one time. Close any unnecessary processes or child windows within your application.


severe (610): Invalid argument



severe (611): BACKSPACE illegal for SEQUENTIAL write-only files

FOR$IOS_F6425. The BACKSPACE statement is not allowed in files opened with MODE='WRITE' (write-only status) because BACKSPACE requires reading the previous record in the file to provide positioning.

Resolve the problem by giving the file read access or by avoiding the BACKSPACE statement. Note that the REWIND statement is valid for files opened as write-only.


severe (612): File not open for reading or file locked

FOR$IOS_F6500. The program tried to read from a file that was not opened for reading or was locked.


severe (613): End of file encountered

FOR$IOS_F6501. The program tried to read more data than the file contains.


severe (614): Positive integer expected in repeat field

FOR$IOS_F6502. When the i*c form is used in list-directed input, the i must be a positive integer. For example, consider the following statement:

  READ(*,*) a, b

Input 2*56.7 is accepted, but input 2.1*56.7 returns error 614.


severe (615): Multiple repeat field

FOR$IOS_F6503. In list-directed input of the form i*c, an extra repeat field was used. For example, consider the following:

  READ(*,*) I, J, K

Input of 2*1*3 returns this error. The 2*1 means send two values, each 1; the *3 is an error.


severe (616): Invalid number in input

FOR$IOS_F6504. Some of the values in a list-directed input record were not numeric. For example, consider the following:

  READ(*,*) I, J

The preceding statement would cause this error if the input were: 123 'abc'.


severe (617): Invalid string in input

FOR$IOS_F6505. A string item was not enclosed in single quotation marks.


severe (618): Comma missing in COMPLEX input

FOR$IOS_F6506. When using list-directed input, the real and imaginary components of a complex number were not separated by a comma.


severe (619): T or F expected in LOGICAL read

FOR$IOS_F6507. The wrong format was used for the input field for logical data.

The input field for logical data consists of optional blanks, followed by an optional decimal point, followed by a T for true or F for false. The T or F may be followed by additional characters in the field, so that .TRUE. and .FALSE. are acceptable input forms.


severe (620): Too many bytes read from unformatted record

FOR$IOS_F6508. The program tried to read more data from an unformatted file than the current record contained. If the program was reading from an unformatted direct file, it tried to read more than the fixed record length as specified by the RECL option. If the program was reading from an unformatted sequential file, it tried to read more data than was written to the record.


severe (621): H or apostrophe edit descriptor illegal on input

FOR$IOS_F6509. Hollerith (H) or apostrophe edit descriptors were encountered in a format used by a READ statement.


severe (622): Illegal character in hexadecimal input

FOR$IOS_F6510. The input field contained a character that was not hexadecimal.

Legal hexadecimal characters are 0 - 9 and A - F.


severe (623): Variable name not found

FOR$IOS_F6511. A name encountered on input from a namelist record is not declared in the corresponding NAMELIST statement.


severe (624): Invalid NAMELIST input format

FOR$IOS_F6512. The input record is not in the correct form for NAMELIST input.


severe (625): Wrong number of array dimensions

FOR$IOS_F6513. In NAMELIST input, an array name was qualified with a different number of subscripts than its declaration, or a non-array name was qualified.


severe (626): Array subscript exceeds allocated area

FOR$IOS_F6514. A subscript was specified in NAMELIST input which exceeded the declared dimensions of the array.


severe (627): Invalid subrange in NAMELIST input

FOR$IOS_F6515. A character item in namelist input was qualified with a subrange that did not meet the requirement that 1 <= e1 <= e2 <= len (where "len" is the length of the character item, "e1" is the leftmost position of the substring, and "e2" is the rightmost position of the substring).


severe (628): Substring range specified on non-CHARACTER item

FOR$IOS_F6516. A non-CHARACTER item in namelist input was qualified with a substring range.


severe (629): Internal file overflow

FOR$IOS_F6600. The program either overflowed an internal-file record or tried to write to a record beyond the end of an internal file.


severe (630): Direct record overflow

FOR$IOS_F6601. The program tried to write more than the number of bytes specified in the RECL option to an individual record of a direct-access file.


severe (631):Numeric field bigger than record size

FOR$IOS_F6602. The program tried to write a non-CHARACTER item across a record boundary in list-directed or namelist output. Only character constants can cross record boundaries.


severe (632): Heap space limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6700. The program ran out of heap space. The ALLOCATE statement and various internal functions allocate memory from the heap. This error will be generated when the last of the heap space is used up.


severe (633): Scratch file name limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6701. The program exhausted the template used to generate unique scratch-file names. The maximum number of scratch files that can be open at one time is 26.


severe (634): D field exceeds W field in ES edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6970. The specified decimal length d exceeds the specified total field width w in an ES edit descriptor.


severe (635): D field exceeds W field in EN edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6971. The specified decimal length d exceeds the specified total field width w in an EN edit descriptor.


severe (636): Exponent of 0 not allowed in format



severe (637): Integer expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6980. An edit descriptor lacked a required integer value. For example, consider the following:

      WRITE(*, 100) I, J
  100 FORMAT (I2, TL, I2)

The preceding code will cause this error because an integer is expected after TL.


severe (638): Initial left parenthesis expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6981. A format did not begin with a left parenthesis ( ( ).


severe (639): Positive integer expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6982. A zero or negative integer value was used in a format.

Negative integer values can appear only with the P edit descriptor. Integer values of 0 can appear only in the d and m fields of numeric edit descriptors.


severe (640): Repeat count on nonrepeatable descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6983. One or more BN, BZ, S, SS, SP, T, TL, TR, /, $, :, or apostrophe (') edit descriptors had repeat counts associated with them.


severe (641): Integer expected preceding H, X, or P edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6984. An integer did not precede a (nonrepeatable) H, X, or P edit descriptor.

The correct formats for these descriptors are nH, nX, and kP, respectively, where n is a positive integer and k is an optionally signed integer.


severe (642): N or Z expected after B in format

FOR$IOS_F6985. To control interpretation of embedded and trailing blanks within numeric input fields, you must specify BN (to ignore them) or BZ (to interpret them as zeros).


severe (643): Format nesting limit exceeded

FOR$IOS_F6986. More than sixteen sets of parentheses were nested inside the main level of parentheses in a format.


severe (644): '.' expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6987. No period appeared between the w and d fields of a D, E, F, or G edit descriptor.


severe (645): Unexpected end of format

FOR$IOS_F6988. An incomplete format was used.

Improperly matched parentheses, an unfinished Hollerith (H) descriptor, or another incomplete descriptor specification can cause this error.


severe (646): Unexpected character in format

FOR$IOS_F6989. A character that cannot be interpreted as part of a valid edit descriptor was used in a format. For example, consider the following:

      WRITE(*, 100) I, J
  100 FORMAT (I2, TL4.5, I2)

The code will generate this error because TL4.5 is not a valid edit descriptor. An integer must follow TL.


severe (647): M field exceeds W field in I edit descriptor

FOR$IOS_F6990. In syntax Iw.m, the value of m cannot exceed the value of w.


severe (648): Integer out of range in format

FOR$IOS_F6991. An integer value specified in an edit descriptor was too large to represent as a 4-byte integer.


severe (649): format not set by ASSIGN

FOR$IOS_F6992. The format specifier in a READ, WRITE, or PRINT statement was an integer variable, but an ASSIGN statement did not properly assign it the statement label of a FORMAT statement in the same program unit.


severe (650): Separator expected in format

FOR$IOS_F6993. Within format specifications, edit descriptors must be separated by commas or slashes (/).


severe (651): %c or $: nonstandard edit descriptor in format



severe (652): Z: nonstandard edit descriptor in format

FOR$IOS_F6995. Z is not a standard edit descriptor in format.

If you want to transfer hexadecimal values, you must use the edit descriptor form Zw[.m], where w is the field width and m is the minimum number of digits that must be in the field (including leading zeros).


severe (653): DOS graphics not supported under Windows NT



severe (654): Graphics error

FOR$IOS_F6997. An OPEN statement in which IOFOCUS was TRUE, either explicitly or by default, failed because the new window could not receive focus. The window handle may be invalid, or closed, or there may be a memory resource problem.


severe (655): Using QuickWin is illegal in console application

FOR$IOS_F6998. A call to QuickWin from a console application was encountered during execution.


severe (656): Illegal 'ADVANCE' value

FOR$IOS_F6999. The ADVANCE option can only take the values 'YES' and 'NO'. ADVANCE='YES' is the default. ADVANCE is a READ statement option.


severe (657): DIM argument to SIZE out of range

FOR$IOS_F6702. The argument specified for DIM must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the specified array. Consider the following:

  i = SIZE (array, DIM = dim)

In this case, 1 <= dim <= n, where n is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (658): Undefined POINTER used as argument to ASSOCIATED function

FOR$IOS_F6703. A POINTER used as an argument to the ASSOCIATED function must be defined; that is, assigned to a target, allocated, or nullified.


severe (659): Reference to uninitialized POINTER

FOR$IOS_F6704. Except in an assignment statement, a pointer must not be referenced until it has been initialized: assigned to a target, allocated or nullified.


severe (660): Reference to POINTER which is not associated

FOR$IOS_F6705. Except in an assignment statement and certain procedure references, a pointer must not be referenced until it has been associated: either assigned to a target or allocated.


severe (661): Reference to uninitialized POINTER 'pointer'

FOR$IOS_F6706. Except in an assignment statement, a pointer must not be referenced until it has been initialized: assigned to a target, allocated or nullified.


severe (662): reference to POINTER "pointer" which is not associated

FOR$IOS_F6707. Except in an assignment statement and certain procedure references, a pointer must not be referenced until it has been associated: either assigned to a target or allocated.


severe (663): Out of range: substring starting position "pos" is less than 1

FOR$IOS_F6708. A substring starting position must be a positive integer variable or expression that indicates a position in the string: at least 1 and no greater than the length of the string.


severe (664): Out of range: substring ending position "pos" is greater than string length 'len'

FOR$IOS_F6709. A substring ending position must be a positive integer variable or expression that indicates a position in the string: at least 1 and no greater than the length of the string.


severe (665): Subscript "number" of "string" (value "var") is out of range ('first:last')

FOR$IOS_F6710. The subscript for a substring within a string is not a valid string position: at least 1 and no greater than the length of the string.


severe (666): Subscript "number" of "string" (value "var") is out of range ('first:*')

FOR$IOS_F6711. The subscript for a substring within a string is not a valid string position: at least 1 and no greater than the length of the string.


severe (667): VECTOR argument to PACK has incompatible character length

FOR$IOS_F6712. The character length of elements in the VECTOR argument to PACK is not the same as the character length of elements in the array to be packed.


severe (668): VECTOR argument to PACK is too small

FOR$IOS_F6713. The VECTOR argument to PACK must have at least as many elements as there are true elements in MASK (the array that controls packing).


severe (669): SOURCE and PAD arguments to RESHAPE have different character lengths

FOR$IOS_F6714. The character length of elements in the SOURCE and PAD arguments to PACK must be the same.


severe (670): Element "number" of SHAPE argument to RESHAPE is negative

FOR$IOS_F6715. The SHAPE vector specifies the shape of the reshaped array. Since an array cannot have a negative dimension, SHAPE cannot have a negative element.


severe (671): SOURCE too small for specified SHAPE in RESHAPE, and no PAD

FOR$IOS_F6716. If there is no PAD array, the SOURCE argument to RESHAPE must have enough elements to make an array of the shape specified by SHAPE.


severe (672): Out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6717. The system ran out of memory while trying to make the array specified by RESHAPE. If possible, reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel, or close unnecessary applications and deallocate all allocated arrays that are no longer needed.


severe (673): SHAPE and ORDER arguments to RESHAPE have different sizes ('size1' and 'size2')

FOR$IOS_F6718. ORDER specifies the order of the array dimensions given in SHAPE, and they must be vectors of the same size.


severe (674): Element "n" of ORDER argument to RESHAPE is out of range (range)

FOR$IOS_F6719. The ORDER argument specifies the order of the dimensions of the reshaped array, and it must be a permuted list of (1, 2, ..., "n") where "n" is the highest dimension in the reshaped array.


severe (675): Value "n" occurs twice in ORDER argument to RESHAPE

FOR$IOS_F6720. The ORDER vector specifies the order of the dimensions of the reshaped array, and it must be a permuted list of (1, 2, ..., "n") where "n" is the highest dimension in the reshaped array. No dimension can occur twice.


severe (676): Impossible nextelt overflow in RESHAPE



severe (677): Invalid value "dim" for argument DIM for SPREAD of rank 'rank' source

FOR$IOS_F6722. The argument specified for DIM to SPREAD must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to one larger than the number of dimensions (rank) of SOURCE. Consider the following statement:

  result = SPREAD (SOURCE= array, DIM = dim, NCOPIES = k)

In this case, 1 <= dim <= n+ 1, where nis the number of dimensions in array.


severe (678): Complex zero raised to power zero

FOR$IOS_F6723. Zero of any type (complex, real, or integer) cannot be raised to zero power.


severe (679): Complex zero raised to negative power

FOR$IOS_F6724. Zero of any type (complex, real, or integer) cannot be raised to a negative power. Raising to a negative power inverts the operand.


severe (680): Impossible error in NAMELIST input



severe (681):DIM argument to CSHIFT ("dim") is out of range

FOR$IOS_F6726. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform the circular shift, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array to be shifted. That is, 1 <= DIM <= n, where nis the number of dimensions in the array to be shifted.


severe (682): DIM argument ("dim") to CSHIFT is out of range (1:"n")

FOR$IOS_F6727. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform the circular shift, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array to be shifted. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in the array to be shifted.


severe (683): Shape mismatch (dimension "dim") between ARRAY and SHIFT in CSHIFT

FOR$IOS_F6728. The SHIFT argument to CSHIFT must be either scalar or an array one dimension smaller than the shifted array. If an array, the shape of the SHIFT must conform to the shape of the array being shifted in every dimension except the one being shifted along.


severe (684): Internal error - bad arguments to CSHIFT_CA



severe (685): Internal error - bad arguments to CSHIFT_CAA



severe (686): DATE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN="len")

FOR$IOS_F6731. The character DATE argument must have a length of at least eight to contain the complete value.


severe (687): TIME argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN="len")

FOR$IOS_F6732. The character TIME argument must have a length of at least ten to contain the complete value.


severe (688): ZONE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN="len")

FOR$IOS_F6733. The character ZONE argument must have a length of at least five to contain the complete value.


severe (689): VALUES argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too small ("size" elements)

FOR$IOS_F6734. The integer VALUES argument must be a one-dimensional array with a size of at least eight to hold all returned values.


severe (690): Out of range: DIM argument to COUNT has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6735. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to count true elements of MASK, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in MASK. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in MASK.


severe (691): Out of range: DIM argument to COUNT has value "dim" with MASK of rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6736. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to count true elements of MASK, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in MASK. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in MASK.


severe (692): Out of range: DIM argument to PRODUCT has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6737. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to compute the product of elements in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be multiplied.


severe (693): Out of range: DIM argument to PRODUCT has value "dim" with ARRAY of rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6738. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to compute the product of elements in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) of the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be multiplied.


severe (694): Out of range: DIM argument to SUM has value "dim" with ARRAY of rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6739. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to sum the elements of an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) of the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be summed.


severe (695): Real zero raised to zero power

FOR$IOS_F6740. Zero of any type (real, complex, or integer) cannot be raised to zero power.


severe (696): Real zero raised to negative power

FOR$IOS_F6741. Zero of any type (real, complex, or integer) cannot be raised to a negative power. Raising to a negative power inverts the operand.


severe (697): Out of range: DIM argument to SUM has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6742. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to sum the elements of an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be summed.


severe (698): DIM argument ("dim") to EOSHIFT is out of range (1:"n")

FOR$IOS_F6743. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform an end-off shift in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be shifted.


severe (699): Shape mismatch (dimension "dim") between ARRAY and BOUNDARY in EOSHIFT

FOR$IOS_F6744. The BOUNDARY argument to EOSHIFT must be either scalar or an array one dimension smaller than the shifted array. If an array, the shape of the BOUNDARY must conform to the shape of the array being shifted in every dimension except the one being shifted along.


severe (700): DIM argument to EOSHIFT is out of range ("dim")

FOR$IOS_F6745. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which to perform an end-off shift in an array, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array holding the elements to be shifted.


severe (701): Shape mismatch (dimension "dim") between ARRAY and SHIFT in EOSHIFT

FOR$IOS_F6746. The SHIFT argument to EOSHIFT must be either scalar or an array one dimension smaller than the shifted array. If an array, the shape of the SHIFT must conform to the shape of the array being shifted in every dimension except the one being shifted along.


severe (702): BOUNDARY argument to EOSHIFT has wrong LEN ("len1 instead of len2")

FOR$IOS_F6747. The character length of elements in the BOUNDARY argument and in the array being end-off shifted must be the same.


severe (703): BOUNDARY has LEN "len" instead of "len" to EOSHIFT



severe (704): Internal error - bad arguments to EOSHIFT



severe (705): GETARG: value of argument "number" is out of range

FOR$IOS_F6750. The value used for the number of the command-line argument to retrieve with GETARG must be 0 or a positive integer. If the number of the argument to be retrieved is greater than the actual number of arguments, blanks are returned, but no error occurs.


severe (706): FLUSH: value of LUNIT "number" is out of range

FOR$IOS_F6751. The unit number specifying which I/O unit to flush to its associated file must be an integer between 0 and 2**31-1, inclusive. If the unit number is valid, but the unit is not opened, error F6752 is generated.


severe (707): FLUSH: Unit "number" is not connected

FOR$IOS_F6752. The I/O unit specified to be flushed to its associated file is not connected to a file.


severe (708): Invalid string length ("len") to ICHAR

FOR$IOS_F6753. The character argument to ICHAR must have length of one.


severe (709): Invalid string length ("len") to IACHAR

FOR$IOS_F6754. The character argument to IACHAR must have length of one.


severe (710): Integer zero raised to negative power

FOR$IOS_F6755. Zero of any type (integer, real, or complex) cannot be raised to a negative power. Raising to a negative power inverts the operand.


severe (711): INTEGER zero raised to zero power

FOR$IOS_F6756. Zero of any type (integer, real, or complex) cannot be raised to zero power.


severe (712): SIZE argument ("size") to ISHFTC intrinsic out of range

FOR$IOS_F6757. The argument SIZE must be positive and must not exceed the bit size of the integer being shifted. The bit size of this integer can be determined with the function BIT_SIZE.


severe (713): SHIFT argument ("shift") to ISHFTC intrinsic out of range

FOR$IOS_F6758. The argument SHIFT to ISHFTC must be an integer whose absolute value is less than or equal to the number of bits being shifted: either all bits in the number being shifted or a subset specified by the optional argument SIZE.


severe (714): Out of range: DIM argument to LBOUND has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6759. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose lower bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (715): Out of range: DIM argument ("dim") to LBOUND greater than ARRAY rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6760. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose lower bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (716): Out of range: DIM argument to MAXVAL has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6761. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which maximum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (717): Out of range: DIM argument to MAXVAL has value "dim" with ARRAY of rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6762. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which maximum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (718): Cannot allocate temporary array -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6763. There is not enough memory space to hold a temporary array.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.


severe (719): Attempt to DEALLOCATE part of a larger object

FOR$IOS_F6764. An attempt was made to DEALLOCATE a pointer to an array subsection or an element within a derived type. The whole data object must be deallocated; parts cannot be deallocated.


severe (720): Pointer in DEALLOCATE is ASSOCIATED with an ALLOCATABLE array

FOR$IOS_F6765. Deallocating a pointer associated with an allocatable target is illegal. Instead, deallocate the target the pointer points to, which frees memory and disassociates the pointer.


severe (721): Attempt to DEALLOCATE an object which was not allocated

FOR$IOS_F6766. You cannot deallocate an array unless it has been previously allocated. You cannot deallocate a pointer whose target was not created by allocation. The intrinsic function ALLOCATED can be used to determine whether an allocatable array is currently allocated.


severe (722): Cannot ALLOCATE scalar POINTER -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6767. There is not enough memory space to allocate the pointer.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.


severe (723): DEALLOCATE: object not allocated/associated

FOR$IOS_F6768. You cannot deallocate an array unless it has been previously allocated. You cannot deallocate a pointer whose target was not created by allocation, or a pointer that has undefined association status.

The intrinsic function ALLOCATED can be used to determine whether an allocatable array is currently allocated.


severe (724): Cannot ALLOCATE POINTER array -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6769. There is not enough memory space to allocate the POINTER array.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.


severe (725): DEALLOCATE: Array not allocated

FOR$IOS_F6770. It is illegal to DEALLOCATE an array that is not allocated. You can check the allocation status of an array before deallocating with the ALLOCATED function.


severe (726): DEALLOCATE: Character array not allocated

FOR$IOS_F6771. It is illegal to DEALLOCATE an array that is not allocated. You can check the allocation status of an array before deallocating with the ALLOCATED function.


severe (727): Cannot ALLOCATE allocatable array -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6772. There is not enough memory space to hold the array.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.


severe (728): Cannot allocate automatic object -- out of memory

FOR$IOS_F6773. There is not enough memory space to hold the automatic data object.

Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.

An automatic data object is an object that is declared in a procedure subprogram or interface, is not a dummy argument, and depends on a nonconstant expression. For example:

    DIMENSION A (N, 5), B(10*N)

The arrays A and B in the example are automatic data objects.


severe (729): DEALLOCATE failure: ALLOCATABLE array is not ALLOCATED

FOR$IOS_F6774. It is illegal to DEALLOCATE an array that is not allocated. You can check the allocation status of an array before deallocating with the ALLOCATED function.


severe (730): Out of range: DIM argument to MINVAL has value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6775. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which minimum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (731): Out of range: DIM argument to MINVAL has value "dim" with ARRAY of rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6776. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension along which minimum values are returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n"is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (732): P argument to MOD is double precision zero

FOR$IOS_F6777. MOD(A,P) is computed as A - INT(A,P) * P. P cannot be zero.


severe (733): P argument to MOD is integer zero

FOR$IOS_F6778. MOD(A,P) is computed as A - INT(A,P) * P. P cannot be zero.


severe (734): P argument to MOD is real zero

FOR$IOS_F6779. MOD(A,P) is computed as A - INT(A,P) * P. P cannot be zero.


severe (735): P argument to MODULO is real zero

FOR$IOS_F6780. MODULO(A,P) for real numbers is computed as A - FLOOR(A,P) * P. So, P cannot be zero.


severe (736): P argument to MODULO is zero

FOR$IOS_F6781. In the function, MODULO(A,P), P cannot be zero.


severe (737): Argument S to NEAREST is zero

FOR$IOS_F6782. The sign of the S argument to NEAREST(X,S) determines the direction of the search for the nearest number to X, and cannot be zero.


severe (738): Heap storage exhausted



severe (739): PUT argument to RANDOM_SEED is too small

FOR$IOS_F6784. The integer array PUT must be greater than or equal to the number of integers the processor uses to set the seed value. This number can be determined by calling RANDOM_SEED with the SIZE argument. For example:

  CALL RANDOM_SEED( )           ! initialize processor
  CALL RANDOM_SEED(SIZE = K)    ! get size of seed
  ALLOCATE SEED(K)              ! allocate array
  CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT = SEED)  ! set the seed


RANDOM_SEED can be called with at most one argument at a time.


severe (740): GET argument to RANDOM_SEED is too small

FOR$IOS_F6785. The integer array GET must be greater than or equal to the number of integers the processor uses to set the seed value. This number can be determined by calling RANDOM_SEED with the SIZE argument. For example:

  CALL RANDOM_SEED( )           ! initialize processor
  CALL RANDOM_SEED(SIZE = K)    ! get size of seed
  ALLOCATE SEED(K)              ! allocate array
  CALL RANDOM_SEED(GET = SEED)  ! get the seed


RANDOM_SEED can be called with at most one argument at a time.


severe (741): Recursive I/O reference



severe (742): Argument to SHAPE intrinsic is not PRESENT



severe (743): Out of range: DIM argument to UBOUND had value "dim"

FOR$IOS_F6788. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose upper bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (744): DIM argument ("dim") to UBOUND greater than ARRAY rank "rank"

FOR$IOS_F6789. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose upper bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (745): Out of range: UBOUND of assumed-size array with DIM==rank ("rank")

FOR$IOS_F6790. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose upper bound is to be returned.

An assumed-size array is a dummy argument in a subroutine or function, and the upper bound of its last dimension is determined by the size of actual array passed to it. Assumed-size arrays have no determined shape, and you cannot use UBOUND to determine the extent of the last dimension. You can use UBOUND to determine the upper bound of one of the fixed dimensions, in which case you must pass the dimension number along with the array name.


severe (746): Out of range: DIM argument ("dim") to UBOUND greater than ARRAY rank

FOR$IOS_F6791. The optional argument DIM specifies the dimension whose upper bound is to be returned, and must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of dimensions (rank) in the array. That is, 1 <= DIM <= "n", where "n" is the number of dimensions in array.


severe (747): Shape mismatch: Dimension "shape" extents are "ext1" and "ext2"



severe (748): Illegal POSITION value

FOR$IOS_F6793. An illegal value was used with the POSITION specifier.

POSITION accepts the following values:

  • 'ASIS' (the default)

  • 'REWIND' - on Fortran I/O systems, this is the same as 'ASIS'

  • 'APPEND'


severe (749): Illegal ACTION value

FOR$IOS_F6794. An illegal value was used with the ACTION specifier.

ACTIO accepts the following values:

  • 'READ'

  • 'WRITE'

  • 'READWRITE' - the default


severe (750): DELIM= specifier not allowed for an UNFORMATTED file

FOR$IOS_F6795. The DELIM specifier is only allowed for files connected for formatted data transfer. It is used to delimit character constants in list-directed an namelist output.


severe (751): Illegal DELIM value

FOR$IOS_F6796. An illegal value was used with the DELIM specifier.

DELIM accepts the following values:


  • 'QUOTE'

  • 'NONE' - the default


severe (752): PAD= specifier not allowed for an UNFORMATTED file

FOR$IOS_F6797. The PAD specifier is only allowed for formatted input records. It indicates whether the formatted input record is padded with blanks when an input list and format specification requires more data than the record contains.


severe (753): Illegal PAD= value

FOR$IOS_F6798. An illegal value was used with the PAD specifier.

PAD accepts the following values:

  • 'NO'

  • 'YES' - the default


severe (754): Illegal CARRIAGECONTROL=value

FOR$IOS_F6799. An illegal value was used with the CARRIAGECONTROL specifier.

CARRIAGECONTROL accepts the following values:

  • 'FORTRAN' - default if the unit is connected to a terminal or console

  • 'LIST' - default for formatted files

  • 'NONE' - default for unformatted files


severe (755): SIZE= specifier only allowed with ADVANCE='NO'

FOR$IOS_F6800. The SIZE specifier can only appear in a formatted, sequential READ statement that has the specifier ADVANCE='NO' (indicating non-advancing input).


severe (756): Illegal character in binary input



severe (757): Illegal character in octal input



severe (758): End of record encountered



severe (759): Illegal subscript in namelist input record



severe (760): Error reported by 'EnumSystemLocales'



severe (761): Cannot set environment variable "string"



info (762): Error freeing internal data structure.



severe (763): SIZE specifier must be integer type



info (764): PAD= specifier not allowed with 'f77rtl'



warning (765): Destination string too small for result



info (766): Empty arg in retrieved command



warning (767): Environment variable is not defined



warning (768): Internal file write-to-self; undefined results



warning (769): RECL value must be a positive number



warning (770): File-path is longer than Windows limit of 260



severe (771): A SYNC ALL statement could not perform a synchronization of all images



severe (772): Image number "number" is not a valid image number; valid numbers are 1 to "number"

FOR$IOS_IMAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE. A reference has been made to an image number that is not a valid image number.


severe (774): Image-set array expression must not contain repeated values

FOR$IOS_IMG_SET_REPEATED. A SYNC IMAGES <image-list> statement was attempted. The <image-list> contains duplicate values. This is not permitted by the standard.


severe (775): The lock variable in a LOCK statement is already locked by the executing image

FOR$IOS_LC_VAR_IS_LOCKED. An attempt was made to use a LOCK statement on a lock. However, that lock has already been locked by this image.


severe (776): The lock variable in an UNLOCK statement is not already locked by the executing image

FOR$IOS_LC_VAR_NOT_LOCKED. An attempt was made to use an UNLOCK statement on a lock. However, that lock is currently unlocked; it has not been locked by this image.


severe (777): The lock variable in a LOCK statement is already locked by another image

FOR$IOS_LC_VAR_LOCKED_OTHER_IMAGE. An attempt was made to use a LOCK statement on a lock. However, that lock is already locked by another image.


severe (778): One of the images to be synchronized with has terminated

FOR$IOS_LC_STOPPED_IMAGE. The code has tried to synchronize with a set of images using a SYNC statement. One of the images to be synchronized with has already terminated.


info (779): In coarray image "number"

FOR$IOS_FORRTL_IMAGE_IS. This is issued as part of the stack traceback from a fatal error. The image listed is the one in which the error happened.


severe (780): The lock variable in an UNLOCK statement is locked by another image

FOR$IOS_LC_VAR_UNLOCKED_OTHER_IMAGE. An attempt was made to use a coarray UNLOCK operation on a lock. However, that lock is locked by another image.

This may be the result of an error in the program that causes the code to think it has a lock when it does not.


error (781): Only image 1 may read from unit '*'

FOR$IOS_ONLY_IMAGE_L_IO. It is a coarray rule that only image 1 may read from the 'console'.


severe (782): One of the images to be synchronized with has failed

FOR$IOS_LC_FAILED_IMAGE. A BARRIER operation was performed and one of the images failed; the barrier completed with the remaining images.


severe (783): The lock variable in an UNLOCK statement is locked by a failed image



error (784): EOR= must not be specified when the specifier ADVANCE='YES' also appears



warning (785): File-path is longer than Intel(r) Fortran limit of 4096



warning (787): Possible security issue: GetSystemDirectory call failed

FOR$IOS_NO_SYS_DIR. The cmd.exe used is not the one in the system directory.


1 Identifies errors not returned by IOSTAT.