Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 3/22/2024

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Document Table of Contents

OpenMP* Implementation-Defined Behaviors

This topic summarizes some of the behaviors that are described as implementation-defined in the OpenMP* API specification. See the OpenMP API specification for the full list.


Internal Control Variables (ICVs) mentioned below are discussed in the OpenMP API specification.



single construct

The first thread that encounters the single construct executes the structured block.

teams construct

The number of teams that are created is equal to 1 if you don't specify the num_teams clause.

dist_schedule clause, distribute construct

If you don't specify the dist_schedule clause, then the schedule for the distribute construct is static.

omp_set_num_threads routine

If the argument is not a positive integer, then Intel's OpenMP implementation sets the value of the first element of the nthreads-var ICV of the current task to 1.

omp_set_max_active_levels routine

If the argument is a negative integer this call is ignored and the last valid setting is used.