Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 3/22/2024

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make_ n_container template function

Factory function to construct an instance of a properly-typed n_container<…> based on n_extent_t passed to it.


template< typename PrimitiveT, typename LayoutT, typename AllocatorT = allocator::default_alloc, typename ExtentsT > auto make_n_container(const ExtentsT &_extents) ->n_container<PrimitiveT, LayoutT, ExtentsT, AllocatorT>


Use make_n_container to more easily create an n-dimensional container using template argument deduction, and avoid specifying the type of extents.

An example of the instantiation of a High Definition image object is below.

typedef n_container<RGBAs, layout::soa, n_extent_t<int, int>> HdImage; HdImage image1(n_extent[1080][1920]);

Alternatively, it is possible to use factory function with the C++11 keyword auto, as shown below.

auto image1 = make_n_container<RGBAs, layout::soa>(n_extent[1080][1920]);