Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-404F61EC-CEE1-4AB4-8863-2BE1A9A992A4
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-404F61EC-CEE1-4AB4-8863-2BE1A9A992A4
Example for Using async_class Template Class
The following example illustrates how Intel's C++ asynchronous I/O template class can be used. Consider the following code that writes arrays of floats to an external file.
// Data is array of floats std::vector<float> v(10000); // User defines new operator << for std::vector<float> type std::ofstream& operator << (std::ofstream & str, std::vector<float> & vec) { // User output actions ... } ... // Output file declaration – object of standard ofstream STL class std::ofstream external_file(output.txt); ... // Output operations external_file << v;
The following code illustrates the changes to be made to the above code to execute the output operation asynchronously.
// Add new header to support STL asynchronous IO operations #include <aiostream.h> ... std::vector<float> v(10000); std::ofstream& operator << (std::ofstream & str, std::vector<float> & vec) {... } ... // Declare output file as the instance of new async::async_class template // class. // New inherited from STL ofstream type is declared async::async_class<std::ofstream> external_file(output.txt); ... external_file << v; ... // Add stop operation, to wait the completion of all asynchronous IO //operations external_file.wait(); …
Performance Recommendations
It is recommended not to use asynchronous mode for small objects. For example, do not use asynchronous mode when the output standard type value in a loop where execution of other loop operations takes less time than output of the same value to the STL stream.
However, if you can find the balance between output of small data and its previous calculation inside the loop, you still have some stable performance improvement.
For example, in the following code, the program reads two matrices from external files, calculates the elements of a third matrix, and prints out the elements inside the loop.
#define ARR_LEN 900 { std::ifstream fA(A.txt); fA >> A; std::ifstream fB(B.txt); fB >> B; std::ofstream fC(f); for(int i=0; i< ARR_LEN; i++) { for(int j=0; j< ARR_LEN; j++) { C[i][j] = 0; for(int k=0; k < ARR_LEN; k++) C[i][j]+ = A[i][k]*B[k][j]*sin((float)(k))*cos((float)(-k))*sin((float)(k+1) )*cos((float)(-k-1)); fC << C[i][j] << std::endl; } } }
By increasing matrix size, you can also achieve performance improvement during parallel data reading from two files.