Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 3/22/2024

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sdlt::layout namespace

Rather than having different container types for different data layouts, the library uses the types from the layout namespace as a template parameter to the n_container.

Available layouts are defined in the namespace layout and summarized in table below.

Layout Description
template <typename AlignOnColumnIndexT=0> layout::soa
Structure of Arrays: Each data member of the Primitive will have its own N-dimensional array. The arrays are placed back-to-back inside a contiguous buffer. Template parameter AlignOnColumnIndexT identifies which column of the row dimension should be cache line aligned. The AlignOnColumnIndexT of each row is cache line aligned.
template <typename AlignOnColumnIndexT> layout::soa_per_row

Structure of Arrays Per Row: Each data member of the Primitive will have its own 1-dimensional array for the row dimension (Soa1d) placed back to back. The AlignOnColumnIndexT of each row is cache line aligned. Multiple of these Soa1d's are laid out sequentially to model the remaining dimensions, effictively becoming an Array of Structures of Arrays where the SOA where the size of the array is the row's extent. This can be particularly efficient when the extent of the row can be fixed<NumberT>.

Note: If the size of the row isn't known at compile time, consider adding an additional dimension that is fixed<Number> and dividing the row up by that fixed<NumberT>.

Array of Structures Accessed by Struct: Primitives are laid out in native format back to back in memory and access happens via structure or member access. Nested structures will drill down through the structure members in a nested manner.
Array of Structures Accessed by Stride: Primitives are laid out in native format back to back in memory and accessed through pointers to built in types with a stride to account for the size of the Primitive. Can be useful if aos_by_struct doesn't vectorize.


The classes are empty and only for specialization of containers for denoted layouts.