Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 3/22/2024

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Return the right value if the right value is greater than left, otherwise returns the left value. #include <sdlt/min_max_val.h>


template<typename T>
T max_val(const T left, const T right);


typename T

The type of the left and right values


C++ implementations of std::min and std::max create a conditional control flow that returns references to its parameters, which may cause inefficient vector code generation. max_val is a really simple template that returns by value instead of reference, allowing more efficient vector code to be generated. For most cases the algorithm didn't need a reference to the inputs and a copy by value should suffice. It should inline, adding no overhead. Inside of SIMD loops, we suggest using sdlt::max_val in place of std::max.

Requires < operator be defined for the type T.