Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813901
Date 12/17/2024
Document Table of Contents

4. Agilex™ 5 Embedded Memory IP References

You can access the features of the Agilex™ 5 embedded memory using the on chip memory IPs in the Quartus® Prime software.
The On chip memory IPs include:
  • RAM: 1-Port Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the single-port RAM
  • RAM: 2-Port Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the dual-port and bidirectional-port RAM
  • RAM: 4-Port Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the quad-port RAM
  • ROM: 1-Port Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the single-port ROM
  • ROM: 2-Port Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the dual-port and bidirectional-port ROM
  • FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the FIFO Intel® FPGA IP
  • Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP—instantiates the Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP

You can also infer memory functions from HDL code. The Quartus® Prime synthesis recognizes certain HDL code structures and automatically infers the appropriate IP or map directly to the device atoms. Refer to Inferring Memory Functions from HDL Code in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations for more information.

However, if you want to use some of the advanced memory features in the Altera FPGA devices, consider using the IP directly so that you can customize the ports and parameters easily.