Visible to Intel only — GUID: nlx1704177018567
1. About the Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP
2. Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
3. Getting Started
4. Functional Description
5. Clocking and Reset Requirements
6. Interfaces and Signal Descriptions
7. Control, Status, and Statistics Register Descriptions
8. Comparison Between Various Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IPs
9. Document Revision History for the Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
6.1. TX MAC Interface to User Logic
6.2. RX MAC Interface to User Logic
6.3. TX PCS Interface to User Logic
6.4. RX PCS Interface to User Logic
6.5. GTS Transceivers Signals
6.6. GTS Transceiver Reconfiguration Signals
6.7. Avalon® Memory-Mapped Management Interface
6.8. Miscellaneous Status and Debug Signals
6.9. Reset Signals
6.10. Clocks
6.11. Flow Control Interface
6.12. GTS Reset Sequencer Intel® FPGA IP
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nlx1704177018567
7.1. PHY Registers
Addr | Name | Description | Reset | Access |
0x00 | REVID | IP PHY module revision ID. | 0x0627 2016 | RO |
0x01 | SCRATCH | Scratch register available for testing. | 0x0000 0000 | RW |
0x02 | PHY_NAME_0 | First characters of IP variation identifier string. | 0x0000 3430 | RO |
0x03 | PHY_NAME_1 | Next characters of IP variation identifier string. | 0x0000 4745 | RO |
0x04 | PHY_NAME_2 | Final characters of IP variation identifier string. | 0x0070 6373 | RO |
0x10 | PHY_CONFIG | PHY configuration registers. The following bit fields are defined:
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx00 x000 | RW |
0x12 | WORD_LOCK | When asserted, indicates that the virtual channel has identified 66-bit block boundaries in the serial data stream. | 0xXXXX XXX0 | RO |
0x14 | EIO_FLAG_SEL | Supports indirect addressing of individual FIFO flags in the PCS Direct PHY IP. This is a binary encoded value and the flags are set as below for bits [20:0]:
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x000 | RW |
0x15 | EIO_FLAGS | PCS indirect data. To read a FIFO flag, set the corresponding bit in the PHY_PCS_INDIRECT_ADDR register. After you specify the flag in the PHY_PCS_INDIRECT_ADDR register, each bit [n] in the PHY_PCS_INDIRECT_ADDR register has the value of the corresponding transceiver FIFO flag. | 0xXXXX XXX0 | RO |
0x21 | EIO_FREQ_LOCK | Each asserted bit indicates that the corresponding lane RX clock data recovery (CDR) phase-locked loop (PLL) is locked. | 0xXXXX XXX0 | RO |
0x22 | PHY_CLK | The following encodings are defined:
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x000 | RO |
0x23 | FRM_ERR | Each asserted bit indicates that the corresponding virtual lane has a frame error. These bits are sticky. You clear them with the PHY_SCLR_FRAME_ERROR register. If the IP loses word lock, it clears this register. |
0xXXXX XXX0 | RO |
0x24 | SCLR_FRM_ERR | Synchronous clear for PHY_FRAME_ERROR register. Write a value of 1 to this register to clear the PHY_FRAME_ERROR register. Then need to write 0 to this register to let PCS RX working properly. Keep this register as 1 causes PCS link lost. | 0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0 | RW |
0x25 | EIO_RX_SOFT_PURGE_S | Set bit [0] to clear the RX FIFO for all four physical lanes.
0bx0 0xxx xxxx xxx0 | RO |
0x26 | RX_PCS_FULLY_ALIGNED_S | Indicates the RX PCS is fully aligned and ready to accept traffic.
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0 | RO |
0x28 | AM_LOCK | When asserted, indicates that the physical channel has identified virtual lane alignment markers in the data stream. This is a one-bit signal. | 0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0 | |
The following encodings are defined:
After reset, the lane_deskewed value is undefined before RX clock is up |
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx | RO |
0x30 | PCS_VLANE | The following encodings are defined:
0xXXXX XX00 | RO |
0x31 | PHY_RX_DELAY | Test and debug feature to test deskew. Allows you to insert a programmable skew on one physical channel. It is a 6 bit register with these fields:
Note: Due to the FIFO based implementation of word-delay logic, the minimum value for word-delay (Bits 1-5) is 2 corresponding to a delay of one cycle. This ensures that the FIFOs read/write pointers are collision free.
0bxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx00 0000 | RW |
0x41 | KHZ_RX | The register indicates the value of RX clock (clk_rxmac) frequency. Apply the following definition for the frequency value: [(Register value 2 * clk_status)/10] KHz |
0x0000 0000 | RO |
0x42 | KHZ_TX | The register indicates the value of TX clock (clk_txmac) frequency. Apply the following definition for the frequency value: [(Register value 2 * clk_status)/10] KHz |
0x0000 0000 | RO |
1 X means "Don't Care".
2 Register value convert in decimal.