FPGA AI Suite: Getting Started Guide

ID 768970
Date 11/25/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.3. Installing the FPGA AI Suite with System Package Management Tools

The FPGA AI Suite is provided as a package that you can install using your system package management tools. The default location for the installation is /opt/intel. If you want to install FPGA AI Suite in a different location, follow the instructions in Installing the FPGA AI Suite Into an Alternative Location.

To install the FPGA AI Suite with system package management tools:
  1. Download the FPGA AI Suite 2024.3 installation package for your operating system from the following Intel FPGA Software Download Center URL:


    WSL 2 Users: Use a web browser in your Windows* environment to download the file. Ensure that you download FPGA AI Suite for Ubuntu* 20.
    Ubuntu* 22.04 Users: Download the package file to /tmp.
  2. Install FPGA AI Suite according to the instruction for your operating system:

Installing FPGA AI Suite on Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* Operating Systems

For Red Hat* Enterprise Linux*, the FPGA AI Suite is provided as an RPM package that you can install with the dnf command. The dnf command automatically installs several dependencies.

Some of the dependencies are in the CodeReady Linux Builder repository. Enable this repository with the following command:
sudo subscription-manager repos \
--enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
To install the package into the default location in /opt/intel/, locate the .rpm file and run the following command:
sudo dnf install <full path to fpga-ai-suite.rpm>

Installing FPGA AI Suite on Ubuntu* Operating Systems

For Ubuntu* operating systems (including those running in a WSL 2 environment), the FPGA AI Suite is provided as a package that you can install with the apt command. The apt command automatically installs several dependencies.

To install the package into the default location in /opt/intel/, locate the .deb file and run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libappstream4
sudo apt update
sudo apt install <full path to fpga-ai-suite.deb>

Installing FPGA AI Suite in a Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 Environment

The FPGA AI Suite supports Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS running in a Windows* Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) environment. Ensure that your WSL 2 environment has Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS installed and that you have internet access from your WSL 2 environment.

To install FPGA AI Suite in your WSL 2 environment:
  1. Move the downloaded .deb file from its downloaded location in your Windows file system to a location in your Linux* file system. You can drag-and-drop the file using Windows* File Explorer. You can find the Linux* file system the Linux entry in the File Explorer navigation pane.
  2. Start a WSL 2 terminal session.
  3. In the WSL2 terminal session, install the package into the default location in /opt/intel/ by locating the .deb file in your Linux* file system and running the following commands:
    sudo apt-get install --reinstall libappstream4
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install <full path to fpga-ai-suite.deb>

Next Step

After installing FPGA AI Suite, continue your installation with the steps in Installing OpenVINO Toolkit.