Visible to Intel only — GUID: rci1670894934527
1. FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide
2. FPGA AI Suite Components
3. FPGA AI Suite Installation Overview
4. Installing the FPGA AI Suite Compiler and IP Generation Tools
5. Installing the FPGA AI Suite PCIe-Based Design Example Prerequisites
6. FPGA AI Suite Quick Start Tutorial
7. Running the Hostless DDR-Free Design Example
A. FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide Archives
B. FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide Document Revision History
4.1. Supported FPGA Families
4.2. Operating System Prerequisites
4.3. Installing the FPGA AI Suite with System Package Management Tools
4.4. Installing OpenVINO™ Toolkit
4.5. Installing Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software
4.6. Setting Required Environment Variables
4.7. Installing Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
4.8. Finalizing Your FPGA AI Suite Installation
6.1. Creating a Working Directory
6.2. Preparing OpenVINO™ Model Zoo
6.3. Preparing a Model
6.4. Running the Graph Compiler
6.5. Preparing an Image Set
6.6. Programming the FPGA Device
6.7. Performing Inference on the PCIe-Based Example Design
6.8. Building an FPGA Bitstream for the PCIe Example Design
6.9. Building the Example FPGA Bitstreams
6.10. Preparing a ResNet50 v1 Model
6.11. Performing Inference on the Inflated 3D (I3D) Graph
6.12. Performing Inference on YOLOv3 and Calculating Accuracy Metrics
6.13. Performing Inference Without an FPGA Board
Visible to Intel only — GUID: rci1670894934527
4.3.1. Installing the FPGA AI Suite Into an Alternative Location
If you prefer to install the FPGA AI Suite into an alternative location, you can use the following commands:
- Ubuntu* 20.04:
sudo apt update sudo apt install libnuma-dev cmake git curl python3.8 python3.8-venv \ graphviz unzip lsb libboost-all-dev dpkg-deb -R <full path to fpga-ai-suite.deb> \ <full path to alternative location>
- Ubuntu* 22.04:
sudo apt update sudo apt install libnuma-dev cmake git curl graphviz unzip lsb libboost-all-dev dpkg-deb -R <full path to fpga-ai-suite.deb> \ <full path to alternative location>
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* operating systems:
sudo dnf install numactl-devel cmake git curl python38 graphviz \ gcc gcc-c++ redhat-lsb tbb-devel gflags-devel boost-devel rpm -i --prefix=<full path to alternative location> \ <full path to fpga-ai-suite.rpm>