Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 5/26/2023

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Document Table of Contents Other Utilities Tools

You might require the following command line tools when building a Nios® V processor-based system. These command line tools are either provided by Intel in <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/quartus/bin or acquired from open-source tools.

Table 11.  Other Command Line Tools
Command Line Tools Provider Summary
juart-terminal Intel To monitor stdout and stderr, and to provide input to a Nios® V processor subsystem through stdin. This tool only applies to the JTAG UART IP when it is connected to the Nios® V processor.
cmake RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs To generate a project build-system using CMake.
make RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs To generate the project .elf file using GNU Make.
riscv32-unknown-elf-* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC toolchain commands.
openocd Intel To execute OpenOCD.
openocd-cfg-gen Intel To generate the OpenOCD configuration file.