Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 5/26/2023

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Document Table of Contents Generated and Copied Files

To understand how to build and modify Nios V C/C++ projects, understand the difference between copied and generated files.

A copied file is installed with the Intel Quartus Prime software and copied to your BSP directory when you create your BSP. The copied file does not replace the BSP file unless it differs from the distribution file.

The niosv-bsp utility dynamically creates a generated file. Generated files reside in the top-level BSP directory. BSP files are normally written every time niosv-bsp --create, niosv-bsp --generate or niosv-bsp --update runs.

You can disable the generation of any BSP file in the BSP Editor. Otherwise, if you modify a BSP file, the file is deleted when you regenerate the BSP.