Ashling* RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide

ID 730783
Date 11/25/2024

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A.2. Performing External Tools Configuration

External tool configuration is a generic feature where you can configure the RiscFree* IDE to include tools based on your requirement.

To perform external tool configuration for juart terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations…. Double click Program to open a New_configuration window.
  2. Rename the configuration as Nios V JTAG UART Output.
  3. Browse and select the juart-terminal file in the following paths:
    Operating System Path
    Windows* Quartus® Prime Software <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/quartus/bin64/juart-terminal.exe
    Quartus® Prime Programmer and Tools <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/qprogrammer/quartus/bin64/juart-terminal.exe
    Linux* Quartus® Prime Software <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/quartus/linux64/juart-terminal
    Quartus® Prime Programmer and Tools <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/qprogrammer/quartus/linux64/juart-terminal
  4. Set the preferred arguments. In this example, set the arguments as follows:
    • Connect to JTAG UART at cable 1: -c 1
    • Connect to device 0: -d 1
    • Connect to instance 0: -i 0
    Note: JTAG device chain index varies according to your setup. Run jtagconfig --debug to obtain the latest device chain index numbering.
    Figure 83. External Tools Configuration
    Note: The steps are also applicable to other Nios® V tools (niosv-app and niosv-bsp) under <Intel Quartus Prime installation directory>/niosv/bin directory. These tools are not available for standalone RiscFree* IDE installation with the Quartus® Prime Programmer and Tools.