Ashling* RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide

ID 730783
Date 11/25/2024

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4.2. Importing Arm* HPS Project

To import the Agilex® 7 Arm* Cortex* -A53 sample project and a pre-built .elf file, follow these steps:

Note: Arm* toolchain is not included by default. Follow the steps in the Toolchain for Arm Processor section to modify toolchain configuration to include Arm* GNU GCC toolchain.
  1. To open the Import wizard, click File > Import. In the Import wizard, select Ashling Sample Projects > C/C++ Sample Projects and click Next.
  2. In the Import Sample Project Wizard, select examples > agilex > cortex-a53-sum and click Finish. The project is listed in the Project Explorer.
    Figure 34. Importing Cortex* -A53 Sample Project to RiscFree* IDE