Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683870
Date 9/30/2024

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Document Table of Contents More EDA Netlist Writer Settings (EDA Tool Settings Page)

The More EDA Netlist Writer Settings dialog box allows you to specify settings that control how the Compiler generates and formats the gate-level netlist for gate-level simulation. These setting do not apply to RTL simulation.

Click Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings > Simulation > More EDA Netlist Writer Settings to specify any of the following additional options.

Table 11.  More EDA Netlist Writer Settings (EDA Tool Settings Page)
Name Setting Description
Architecture name in VHDL output netlist structure Specify the name of the architecture in the generated VHDL simulation netlist.
Bring out device-wide set/reset signals as ports

Off (Default)


Add the devpor, devclrn, and devoe signals in the design as input ports in the top-level design hierarchy in the Verilog or VHDL simulation netlist for the project.
Do not write top level VHDL entity

Off (Default)


Do not write top-level entity in VHDL Output File (.vho).
Flatten busses into individual nodes

Off (Default)


Flattens all busses when creating the VHDL Output File (.vho). Turn on this option if your third-party EDA environment does not support buses.
Force Gate Level Simulation Registers to initialize to X (don’t care) and propagate X

Off (Default)


Modifies output gate level simulation netlist to force all registers to initialize to X (don’t care) and propagate X.
Generate Power Estimate Scripts

Off (Default)


Write scripts for simulation tool to generate .vcd file for outputs for power estimation.

Truncate long hierarchy paths

Off (Default)


Truncate hierarchical node names to 80 characters.