Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683870
Date 9/30/2024

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1.10.2. Implementing Precompiled Simulation Libraries

You can implement use of the precompiled simulation libraries by mapping the precompiled library files in the Simulation Flow Settings GUI, or by modifying the simulator setup script files directly.

Implementing Precompiled Simulation Libraries in the GUI

  1. In the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, click Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings > Simulation > Simulation Flow Settings.
  2. Click the User precompiled simulation library mapping file option for your simulator and specify the precompiled simulation mapping file path in the Setting column.
    Figure 12. User Precompiled Simulation Library Mapping File Setting

    Table 13.  Precompiled Library Files to Add by Simulator
    Simulator Precompiled Library File to Add
    Xcelium cds.lib
    Riviera-PRO library.cfg
    QuestaSim modelsim.ini
    VCS MX synopsys_sim.setup
  3. Click the Start Compilation button to perform one-time compilation of the device libraries. Subsequent compiles do not recompile these libraries.
  4. To run the simulation, refer to Run RTL Simulation using Run Simulation in Batch Mode.

Implementing Precompiled Simulation Libraries by Modifying Simulator Setup Script

The simulation setup scripts that the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software now generates include the PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE variable. This variable can hold different values, depending on your target simulator. You can specify the path for the precompiled simulation library file to reuse the precompiled library, rather than recompiling the device library each time.

  1. In a text editor, open the generated simulator setup script for your target simulator.
  2. In the simulator setup script, locate the PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE variable.
  3. Specify the appropriate PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE value for your target simulator:
    Table 14.  Simulator Setup Script and Precompile Simulation Option
    Simulator Setup Script Simulation Option
    Xcelium xcelium_setup.sh PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE="<path ./cds.lib>"
    Riviera-PRO rivierapro_setup.tcl if ![info exists PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE] { set PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE "<path ./library.cfg>" }
    QuestaSim msim_setup.tcl if ![info exists PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE] { set PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE "<path ./modelsim.ini>" }
    VCS MX vcsmx_setup.sh PRECOMP_DEVICE_LIB_FILE="<path ./synopsys_sim.setup>"
  4. Save the updated simulator setup script file. Subsequent compiles do not recompile these libraries.
  5. Run the simulation setup script.