Streaming DMA Accelerator Functional Unit User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

ID 683840
Date 3/06/2020

5. Running the AFU Example

Before you begin:
  • Intel recommends you refer to the Quick Start Guide for your Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA to be familiar with running similar examples. Before you proceed through the following steps, verify that the OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT environment variable is set to the OPAE SDK installation directory.
  • The sample application requires two 1 GB hugepages. Refer to the Enabling Hugepages section for details on how to set the hugepages on both Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Ubuntu systems.

Perform the following steps to download the Streaming DMA Accelerator Function (AF) bitstream, to build the application and driver, and to run the design example:

  1. Change to the Streaming DMA application and driver directory:
    cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/streaming_dma_afu/sw
  2. Build the driver and application:
  3. Download the streaming DMA AFU bitstream:
    sudo fpgasupdate ../bin/streaming_dma_afu_unsigned.gbs
  4. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from host memory to the FPGA pattern checker:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l off -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -r mtos -t fixed
  5. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from the FPGA pattern generator to host memory:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l off -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -r stom -t fixed
  6. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from host memory back to host memory in loopback mode:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l on -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -t fixed -f 0