Streaming DMA Accelerator Functional Unit User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

ID 683840
Date 3/06/2020

6. Compiling the Accelerator Function (AF)

To generate a synthesis build environment to compile an AF, use the afu_synth_setup command as following:
  1. Change to the streaming DMA AFU sample directory:
    cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/streaming_dma_afu
  2. Generate the design build directory:
    afu_synth_setup --source=./hw/rtl/filelist.txt build_synth
  3. From the synthesis build directory generated by afu_synth_setup, enter the following commands from a terminal window to generate an AF for the target hardware platform:
    cd build_synth

    The AF generation script creates the AF image with the same base filename as the AFU’s platform configuration file with a .gbs suffix at the location: $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/streaming_dma_afu/build_synth/streaming_dma_afu.gbs.

  4. Create an unsigned copy of the generated .gbs file:
    PACSign PR -t UPDATE -H openssl_manager -i streaming_dma_afu.gbs -o streaming_dma_afu_unsigned.gbs
    Note: If your Intel® PAC already implements bitstream authentication, review the steps outlined in the Security User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA to sign the Streaming DMA bitstream.