1.1. Design Components
The DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP design example requires these components.
Module | Description |
Core System (Platform Designer) | The core system consists of the Nios® II processor and its necessary components, and the DisplayPort RX core sub-systems. This system provides the infrastructure to interconnect the Nios® II processor with the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP (RX instance) through Avalon® memory-mapped interface within a single Platform Designer system to ease the software build flow.
This system consists of:
RX Sub-system (Platform Designer) |
The RX sub-system consists of:
Module | Description |
RX PHY Top |
The RX PHY top level consists of the components related to the receiver PHY layer.
Note: 8.1 Gbps is available only in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
Module | Description |
Video PLL | IOPLL generates two common source clocks: