Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683768
Date 11/04/2020

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Document Table of Contents Header Comment

The first block of an input simulation spice deck is the header comment. The purpose of this block is to provide an easily readable summary of how the simulation file has been automatically configured by the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

This block has two main components: The first component summarizes the I/O configuration relevant information such as device, speed grade, and so on. The second component specifies the exact test condition that the Intel® Quartus® Prime software assumes for the given I/O standard.

 Sample Header Comment Block

               Quartus® Prime HSPICE Writer I/O Simulation Deck*

* This spice simulation deck was automatically generated by
* Quartus for the following IO settings:
*  Device:       EP2S60F1020C3
*  Speed Grade:  C3
*  Pin:          AA4 (out96)
*  Bank:         IO Bank 6 (Row I/O)
*  I/O Standard: LVTTL, 12mA
*  OCT:          Off
               Quartus® Prime’s default I/O timing delays assume the following slow
* corner simulation conditions.
*  Specified Test Conditions For 
               Quartus® Prime Tco
*    Temperature:      85C (Slowest Temperature Corner)
*    Transistor Model: TT (Typical Transistor Corner)
*    Vccn:             3.135V (Vccn_min = Nominal - 5%)
*    Vccpd:            2.97V (Vccpd_min = Nominal - 10%)
*    Load:             No Load
*    Vtt:              1.5675V (Voltage reference is Vccn/2)
* Note: The I/O transistors are specified to operate at least as
*       fast as the TT transistor corner, actual production
*       devices can be as fast as the FF corner. Any simulations
*       for hold times should be conducted using the fast process
*       corner with the following simulation conditions.
*          Temperature:      0C (Fastest Commercial Temperature Corner **)
*        Transistor Model: FF (Fastest Transistor Corner)
*        Vccn:             1.98V (Vccn_hold = Nominal + 10%)
*        Vccpd:            3.63V (Vccpd_hold = Nominal + 10%)
*        Vtt:              0.95V (Vtt_hold = Vccn/2 - 40mV)
*        Vcc:              1.25V (Vcc_hold = Maximum Recommended)
*        Package Model:    Short-circuit from pad to pin (no parasitics)
* Warnings: