Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683747
Date 6/22/2020

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1.5. Changing Target Device in Hardware Design Example

If you have selected Stratix 10 TX E-Tile Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit as your target device, the Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP core generates a hardware example design for target device 1ST280EY2F55E2VG .

If you have selected Agilex F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit as your target device, the Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP core generates a hardware example design for target device AGFB014R24A2E2VR0 .

The specified target device may differ from the device on your development kit.

To change the target device in your hardware design example, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software and open the hardware test project file /hardware_test_design/eth_ex_40g.qpf.
  2. On the Assignments menu, click Device. The Device dialog box appears.
  3. In the Device dialog box, select an E-tile based target device table that matches the device part number on your development kit. Refer to the development kit link on the Intel® website for more information.
  4. A prompt appears when you select a device, as shown in the figure below. Select No to preserve the generated pin assignments and I/O assignments.
    Figure 5.  Intel® Quartus® Prime Prompt for Device Selection
  5. Perform full compilation of your design.
You can now test the design on your hardware.