September 2017 |
2017.09.22 |
- Modified USB PHY Timing Characteristics topic and added subtopics:
- USB Setup and Hold Relationships
- USB Controller to PHY Setup and Hold Timing Arcs
- USB Controller to PHY Setup Timing Analysis
- USB Controller to PHY Hold Timing Analysis
- USB PHY to Controller Setup and Hold Timing Arcs
- USB PHY to Controller Setup Timing Analysis
- USB PHY to Controller Hold Timing Analysis
July 2014 |
2014.07.21 |
- Corrected the USB MAC Th number value in the USB PHY to USB Controller Hold equation in the USB PHY Timing Characteristics section.
July 2014 |
2014.07.16 |
- Corrected the ClkTrace Td_max value in the USB PHY to USB Controller Setup equation in the USB PHY Timing Characteristics section.
- Corrected the USB PHY Td_min value in the USB PHY to USB Controller Hold equation in the USB PHY Timing Characteristics section.
July 2014 |
2014.07.03 |
- Modified Table 2: USB MAC Timing Requirements.
- Added USB PHY Timing Characteristics section.
- Clarified Output Clock Mode section.
- Modified Input Clock Mode section.
- Removed Two Clock Mode, Selecting the PHY Clock, Instantiating a PLL, and Constraining the Design sections.