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1.4.3. Connecting the Clock in the Top Level Design
The following example shows how to connect the FPGA clock to a Loan I/O when the USB PHY operates in input clock mode using an FPGA clock source from the SoC.
Add the following code snippets to your top-level design file, to connect the clock outputs to the loan I/O:
// top level module pin defines
// LOANIO10 = mac clock
inout wire LOANIO10,
// wire instances of the 3 loan IO buses from Platform Designer instance
wire [66:0] loan_out;
wire [66:0] loan_oe;
// this synthesis keep directive is required in
// order to connect PLL clock outputs to the Loan IO
wire usb_mac_clk_from_pll /* synthesis keep */;
// make assignment of the clocks to the appropriate loan IO
assign loan_out[10] = usb_mac_clk_from_pll;
assign loan_oe[10] = 1'b1;
// snippet of Qsys instantiation signal assignments
.hps_0_h2f_loan_io_in (), //
.hps_0_h2f_loan_io_out (loan_out), // .out
.hps_0_h2f_loan_io_oe (loan_oe), // .oe
.hps_io_0_hps_io_gpio_inst_LOANIO10 (LOANIO10), // hps_io_gpio_inst_LOANIO10