Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Running PRBS Signal Eye Tests ( Stratix® V only)

Run PRBS signal eye tests to visualize the estimated horizontal and vertical eye opening at the receiver. After programming the FPGA with your debugging design, loading the design in the toolkit, and linking hardware, follow these steps to run PRBS signal eye tests:
  1. Click Setup.
    1. Select the generator and checker you want to control.
    2. Select the transmitter and receiver pair you want to control.
    3. Click Create Transceiver Link and click Close.
  2. Click Link Eye Viewer , and select Eye Viewer as the Test mode. The Eye Viewer mode displays test results as a bathtub curve, heat map, or eye contour representing bit error and phase offset data.
  3. Specify the PRBS Test pattern and the Checker mode. Use Serial bit comparator checker mode only for checking a large window of error with custom traffic.
    The checker mode option is only available after you turn on Enable Eye Viewer block and Enable Bit Error Rate Block in the Reconfiguration Controller component. ( Stratix® V designs only)
  4. Specify Run length and Eye Viewer settings to control the test coverage and type of Eye Viewer results displayed, respectively.
  5. Click Start to run the pattern with your settings. Eye Viewer uses the current channel settings to start a phase sweep of the channel. The phase sweep runs 32 iterations. As the run progresses, view the status under Eye Viewer status. Use this diagram to compare PMA settings for the same channel and to choose the best combination of PMA settings for a particular channel.
  6. When the run completes, the chart displays the characteristics of each run. Click Stop to halt the test, change the PMA settings, and re-start the test. Click Create Report to export data to a table format for further viewing.