Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.13.1. Transceiver Toolkit Commands

The following tables list the available Transceiver Toolkit scripting commands.

Table 42.  Transceiver Toolkit channel_rx Commands
Command Arguments Function
transceiver_channel_rx_get_data <service-path> Returns a list of the current checker data. The results are in the order of number of bits, number of errors, and bit error rate.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_dcgain <service-path> Gets the DC gain value on the receiver channel.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_dfe_tap_value <service-path> <tap position> Gets the current tap value of the channel you specify at the tap position you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_eqctrl <service-path> Gets the equalization control value on the receiver channel.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_pattern <service-path> Returns the current data checker pattern by name.
transceiver_channel_rx_has_dfe <service-path> Reports whether the channel you specify has the DFE feature available.
transceiver_channel_rx_has_eye_viewer <service-path> ( Stratix® V only) Reports whether the Eye Viewer feature is available for the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_checking <service-path> Returns non-zero if the checker is running.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_dfe_enabled <service-path> Reports whether the DFE feature is enabled on the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_locked <service-path> Returns non-zero if the checker is locked onto the incoming data.
transceiver_channel_rx_reset_counters <service-path> Resets the bit and error counters inside the checker.
transceiver_channel_rx_reset <service-path> Resets the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_dcgain <service-path> <value> Sets the DC gain value on the receiver channel.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_dfe_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Enables or disables the DFE feature on the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_dfe_tap_value <service-path> <tap position> <tap value> Sets the current tap value of the channel you specify at the tap position you specify to the value you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_dfe_adaptive <service-path> <adaptive-mode> Sets DFE adaptation mode of the channel you specify.
Value Description
0 off
1 adaptive
2 one-time adaptive
transceiver_channel_rx_set_eqctrl <service-path> <value> Sets the equalization control value on the receiver channel.
transceiver_channel_rx_start_checking <service-path> Starts the checker.
transceiver_channel_rx_stop_checking <service-path> Stops the checker.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_eye_viewer_phase_step <service-path> ( Stratix® V only) Gets the current phase step of the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_pattern <service-path> <pattern-name> Sets the expected pattern to the one specified by the pattern name.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_eye_viewer_enabled <service-path> ( Stratix® V only) Reports whether the Eye Viewer feature is enabled on the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_eye_viewer_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> ( Stratix® V only) Enables or disables the Eye Viewer feature on the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_eye_viewer_phase_step <service-path> <phase step> ( Stratix® V only) Sets the phase step of the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_word_aligner_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Enables or disables the word aligner of the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_word_aligner_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Reports whether the word aligner feature is enabled on the channel you specify.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_locked <service-path> Returns non-zero if the checker is locked onto the incoming signal.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_rx_locked_to_data <service-path> Returns 1 if transceiver is in lock to data (LTD) mode. Otherwise 0.
transceiver_channel_rx_is_rx_locked_to_ref <service-path> Returns 1 if transceiver is in lock to reference (LTR) mode. Otherwise 0.
transceiver_channel_rx_has_eye_viewer_1d <service-path> ( Stratix® V only) Detects whether the eye viewer in <service-path> supports 1D-Eye Viewer mode.
transceiver_channel_rx_set_1deye_mode <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> ( Stratix® V only) Enables or disables 1D-Eye Viewer mode.
transceiver_channel_rx_get_1deye_mode <service-path> ( Stratix® V only) Returns whether 1D-Eye Viewer mode is on or off.
Table 43.  Transceiver Toolkit channel_tx Commands
Command Arguments Function
transceiver_channel_tx_disable_preamble <service-path> Disables the preamble mode at the beginning of generation.
transceiver_channel_tx_enable_preamble <service-path> Enables the preamble mode at the beginning of generation.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_number_of_preamble_beats <service-path> Returns the number of beats to send out the preamble word.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_pattern <service-path> Returns the pattern.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_preamble_word <service-path> Returns the preamble word.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_preemph0t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis first pre-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_preemph1t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis first post-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_preemph2t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis second post-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_preemph3t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis second pre-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_get_vodctrl <service-path> Gets the VOD control value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_inject_error <service-path> Injects a 1-bit error into the generator's output.
transceiver_channel_tx_is_generating <service-path> Returns non-zero if the generator is running.
transceiver_channel_tx_is_preamble_enabled <service-path> Returns non-zero if preamble mode is enabled.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_number_of_preamble_beats <service-path> <number-of-preamble-beats> Sets the number of beats to send out the preamble word.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_pattern <service-path> <pattern-name> Sets the output pattern to the one specified by the pattern name.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_preamble_word <service-path> <preamble-word> Sets the preamble word to be sent out.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_preemph0t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis first pre-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_preemph1t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis first post-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_preemph2t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis second post-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_preemph3t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis second pre-tap value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_set_vodctrl <service-path> <vodctrl value> Sets the VOD control value on the transmitter channel.
transceiver_channel_tx_start_generation <service-path> Starts the generator.
transceiver_channel_tx_stop_generation <service-path> Stops the generator.
Table 44.  Transceiver Toolkit Transceiver Toolkit debug_link Commands
Command Arguments Function
transceiver_debug_link_get_pattern <service-path> Gets the pattern the link uses to run the test.
transceiver_debug_link_is_running <service-path> Returns non-zero if the test is running on the link.
transceiver_debug_link_set_pattern <service-path> <data pattern> Sets the pattern the link uses to run the test.
transceiver_debug_link_start_running <service-path> Starts running a test with the currently selected test pattern.
transceiver_debug_link_stop_running <service-path> Stops running the test.
Table 45.  Transceiver Toolkit reconfig_analog Commands
Command Arguments Function
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_logical_channel_address <service-path> Gets the transceiver logic channel address currently set.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_rx_dcgain <service-path> Gets the DC gain value on the receiver channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_rx_eqctrl <service-path> Gets the equalization control value on the receiver channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_tx_preemph0t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis first pre-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_tx_preemph1t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis first post-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_tx_preemph2t <service-path> Gets the pre-emphasis second post-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_get_tx_vodctrl <service-path>

Gets the VOD control value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.

transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_logical_channel_address <service-path> <logic channel address> Sets the transceiver logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_rx_dcgain <service-path> <dc_gain value> Sets the DC gain value on the receiver channel specified by the current logic channel address
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_rx_eqctrl <service-path> <eqctrl value> Sets the equalization control value on the receiver channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_tx_preemph0t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis first pre-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_tx_preemph1t <service-path> < value> Sets the pre-emphasis first post-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_tx_preemph2t <service-path> <value> Sets the pre-emphasis second post-tap value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.
transceiver_reconfig_analog_set_tx_vodctrl <service-path> <vodctrl value>

Sets the VOD control value on the transmitter channel specified by the current logic channel address.

Table 46.  Transceiver Toolkit Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE) Commands
Command Arguments Function
alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe_get_logical_channel_address <service-path>

Gets the logic channel address that other alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe commands use to apply.

alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe_is_enabled <service-path> Reports whether the DFE feature is enabled on the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe_set_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Enables or disables the DFE feature on the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe_set_logical_channel_address <service-path> <logic channel address>

( Stratix® V only) Sets the logic channel address that other alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer commands use.

alt_xcvr_reconfig_dfe_set_tap_value <service-path> <tap position> <tap value> Sets the tap value at the previously channel you specify at specified tap position and value.
Table 47.  Transceiver Toolkit Eye Monitor Commands ( Stratix® V only)
Command Arguments Function
alt_xcvr_custom_is_word_aligner_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Reports whether the word aligner feature is enabled on the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_custom_set_word_aligner_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Enables or disables the word aligner of the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_custom_is_rx_locked_to_data <service-path> Returns whether the receiver CDR is locked to data.
alt_xcvr_custom_is_rx_locked_to_ref <service-path> Returns whether the receiver CDR PLL is locked to the reference clock.
alt_xcvr_custom_is_serial_loopback_enabled <service-path> Returns whether the serial loopback mode of the previously channel you specify is enabled.
alt_xcvr_custom_set_serial_loopback_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)> Enables or disables the serial loopback mode of the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_custom_is_tx_pll_locked <service-path> Returns whether the transmitter PLL is locked to the reference clock.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_get_logical_channel_address <service-path> Gets the logic channel address on which other alt_reconfig_eye_viewer commands use.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_get_phase_step <service-path> Gets the current phase step of the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_is_enabled <service-path> Reports whether the Eye Viewer feature is enabled on the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_set_enabled <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1)>

Enables or disables the Eye Viewer feature on the previously channel you specify.

Setting a value of 2 enables both Eye Viewer and the Serial Bit Comparator.

alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_set_logical_channel_address <service-path> <logic channel address> Sets the logic channel address that other alt_reconfig_eye_viewer commands use.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_set_phase_step <service-path> <phase step> Sets the phase step of the previously channel you specify.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_has_ber_checker <service-path> Detects whether the eye viewer pointed to by <service-path> supports the Serial Bit Comparator.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_is_enabled <service-path> Detects whether the Serial Bit Comparator is enabled.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_start <service-path> Starts the Serial Bit Comparator counters.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_stop <service-path> Stops the Serial Bit Comparator counters.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_reset_counters <service-path> Resets the Serial Bit Comparator counters.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_is_running <service-path> Reports whether the Serial Bit Comparator counters are currently running or not.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_ber_checker_get_data <service-path> Gets the current total bit, error bit, and exception counts for the Serial Bit Comparator.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_has_1deye <service-path> Detects whether the eye viewer pointed to by <service-path> supports 1D-Eye Viewer mode.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_set_1deye_mode <service-path> <disable(0)/enable(1) Enables or disables 1D-Eye Viewer mode.
alt_xcvr_reconfig_eye_viewer_get_1deye_mode <service-path> Gets the enable or disabled state of 1D-Eye Viewer mode.
Table 48.  Channel Type Commands
Command Arguments Function
get_channel_type <service-path> <logical-channel-num> Reports the detected type (GX/GT) of channel <logical-channel-num > for the reconfiguration block located at <service-path>.
set_channel_type <service-path> <logical-channel-num> <channel-type> Overrides the detected channel type of channel <logical-channel-num> for the reconfiguration block located at <service-path> to the type specified (0:GX, 1:GT).
Table 49.  Loopback Commands
Command Arguments Function
loopback_get <service-path>

Returns the value of a setting or result on the loopback channel. Available results include:

  • Status—running or stopped.
  • Bytes—number of bytes sent through the loopback channel.
  • Errors—number of errors reported by the loopback channel.
  • Seconds—number of seconds since the loopback channel was started.
loopback_set <service-path>

Sets the value of a setting controlling the loopback channel. Some settings are only supported by particular channel types. Available settings include:

  • Timer—number of seconds for the test run.
  • Size—size of the test data.
  • Mode—mode of the test.
loopback_start <service-path> Starts sending data through the loopback channel.
loopback_stop <service-path> Stops sending data through the loopback channel.