Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.9. Running Link Tests

Once you identify the transceiver channels for debugging, you can run link tests. Use the Transceiver Links tab to control link tests.

When you run link tests, channel color highlights indicate the test status:

Table 40.  Channel Color Highlights
Color Transmitter Channel Receiver Channel
Red Channel is closed or generator clock is not running. Channel is closed or checker clock is not running.
Green Generator is sending a pattern. Checker is checking and data pattern is locked.
Neutral (same color as background) Channel is open, generator clock is running, and generator is not sending a pattern. Channel is open, checker clock is running, and checker is not checking.
Yellow N/A Checker is checking and data pattern is not locked.