Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

8.4.1. In-System Sources and Probes Editor GUI

The In-System Sources and Probes Editor contains three panes:
  • JTAG Chain Configuration—Allows you to specify programming hardware, device, and file settings that the In-System Sources and Probes Editor uses to program and acquire data from a device.
  • Instance Manager—Displays information about the instances generated when you compile a design, and allows you to control data that the In-System Sources and Probes Editor acquires.
  • In-System Sources and Probes Editor—Logs all data read from the selected instance and allows you to modify source data that is written to your device.

When you use the In-System Sources and Probes Editor, you do not need to open a Intel® Quartus® Prime software project. The In-System Sources and Probes Editor retrieves all instances of the ALTSOURCE_PROBE IP core by scanning the JTAG chain and sending a query to the device selected in the JTAG Chain Configuration pane. You can also use a previously saved configuration to run the In-System Sources and Probes Editor.

Each In-System Sources and Probes Editor pane can access the ALTSOURCE_PROBE IP core instances in a single device. If you have more than one device containing IP core instances in a JTAG chain, you can launch multiple In-System Sources and Probes Editor panes to access the IP core instances in each device.