Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents State-Based

The State-based storage qualification mode is part of the State-based triggering flow. The state based triggering flow evaluates a conditional language to define how the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer writes data into the buffer. With the State-based trigger flow, you have command over boolean and relational operators to guide the execution flow for the target acquisition buffer.

When you enable the storage qualifier feature for the State-based flow, two additional commands become available: start_store and stop_store. These commands are similar to the Start/Stop capture conditions. Upon the start of acquisition, the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer doesn't write data into the buffer until a start_store action is performed. The stop_store command pauses the acquisition. If both start_store and stop_store actions occur within the same clock cycle, the Logic Analyzer stores a single sample into the acquisition buffer.