Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.3.1. Adapting an Intel FPGA Design Example

Design examples allow you to quickly test the functionality of the receiver and transmitter channels in your design. You can modify and customize the design examples to match your intended transceiver design and signal integrity development board.
  1. Download a design example from the On-Chip Debugging Design Examples page of the Intel FPGA website.
  2. Open the Intel® Quartus® Prime and click Project > Restore Archived Project to restore the design example project archive.
  3. Compare the development board and device specified in the readme.txt file with your board and device:
    Option Description
    Same development board and same device Directly program the device with the programming file included in the example.
    Same board, different device Choose the appropriate device and recompile the design.
    Different board Edit the necessary pin assignments and recompile the design example.
  4. To recompile the design, you must make your modifications to the system configuration in Platform Designer (Standard), regenerate in Platform Designer (Standard), and recompile the design in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software to generate a new programming file.

Once you recompile your design, you can:

  • Change the transceiver settings in the design examples and observe the effects on transceiver link performance
  • Isolate and verify the high-speed serial links without debugging other logic in your design.

Refer to the readme.txt of each design example for more information.