Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 6/26/2023

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5.9. Modifying an IP Variation

After generating an IP core variation, use any of the following methods to modify the IP variation in the parameter editor.
Table 19.  Modifying an IP Variation
Menu Command Action
File > Open Select the top-level HDL (.v, or .vhd) IP variation file to launch the parameter editor and modify the IP variation. Regenerate the IP variation to implement your changes.
View > Project Navigator > IP Components Double-click the IP variation to launch the parameter editor and modify the IP variation. Regenerate the IP variation to implement your changes.
Project > Upgrade IP Components Select the IP variation and click Upgrade in Editor to launch the parameter editor and modify the IP variation. Regenerate the IP variation to implement your changes.