Visible to Intel only — GUID: uae1572266672589
1. Answers to Top FAQs
2. Overview of the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator
3. Estimating Power Consumption with the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator
4. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator Graphical User Interface
5. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator Pages
6. Factors Affecting the Accuracy of the Intel® FPGA PTC
7. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide Archive
8. Document Revision History for the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide
A. Measuring Static Power Using Design Hierarchies in the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator Entering Hierarchy Information Into the Intel® FPGA PTC Exporting, Importing, Duplicating, Renaming, and Deleting Hierarchies in the Intel® FPGA PTC Bulk Editing Hierarchies in the Intel FPGA PTC
5.1. Intel® FPGA PTC - Power Summary/Navigation
5.2. Intel® FPGA PTC - Common Page Elements
5.3. Intel® FPGA PTC - Main Page
5.4. Intel® FPGA PTC - Logic Page
5.5. Intel® FPGA PTC - RAM Page
5.6. Intel® FPGA PTC - DSP Page
5.7. Intel® FPGA PTC - Clock Page
5.8. Intel® FPGA PTC - PLL Page
5.9. Intel® FPGA PTC - I/O Page
5.10. Intel® FPGA PTC - Transceiver Page
5.11. Intel® FPGA PTC - HPS Page
5.12. Intel® FPGA PTC - Crypto Page
5.13. Intel FPGA PTC - NOC Page
5.14. Intel® FPGA PTC - HBM Page
5.15. Intel® FPGA PTC - Thermal Page
5.16. Intel® FPGA PTC - Report Page
Visible to Intel only — GUID: uae1572266672589
2.2. Intel® FPGA PTC Power Model Status
The Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) uses a device power model to calculate estimated power consumption and thermal assessments. Depending on the maturity of the device, the power models in the current version of the Intel® FPGA PTC may be in advance, preliminary, or final status. The status of the power models relate to the accuracy of the estimated results.
The Main page of the Intel® FPGA PTC shows the current power model status for the target device:
- Advance power models— based on simulation results, process model projections, and design targets. Advance power models may change over time.
- Preliminary power models—include post-layout simulation results, process data, and initial silicon correlation results. Preliminary power models may change over time.
- Final power models—correlate to production devices with thousands of designs, and are not expected to change.
The accuracy of the power model is determined on a per-power-rail basis for the Intel® FPGA PTC.
- For most Intel® Stratix® 10 designs, the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator has the following accuracy, assuming final power models: Within 15% of silicon for the majority of power rails with higher power, assuming accurate inputs and toggle rates.
- For most Intel Agilex® 7 designs, the Intel® FPGA PTC has the following accuracy, assuming final power models: Within 10% of silicon for all power rails, assuming accurate inputs and toggle rates.
For more information about power model accuracy in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Power Analyzer, refer to the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization.
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