Enhanced Configuration (EPC) Devices Datasheet

ID 683253
Date 5/04/2016

1.3.5. Real-Time Decompression

EPC devices support on-chip real time decompression of configuration data. FPGA configuration data is compressed by the Quartus II software and stored in the EPC device. During configuration, the decompression engine inside the EPC device will decompress or expand configuration data. This feature increases the effective-configuration density of the EPC device up to 7, 15, or 30 Mb in the EPC4, EPC8, and EPC16 devices, respectively.

The EPC device also supports a parallel 8-bit data bus to the FPGA to reduce configuration time. However, in some cases, the FPGA data-transfer time is limited by the flash-read bandwidth. For example, when configuring an APEX II device in FPP (byte-wide data per cycle) mode at a configuration speed of 66 MHz, the FPGA write bandwidth is equal to 8 bits × 66 MHz = 528 Mbps. The flash read interface, however, is limited to approximately 10 MHz (since the flash access time is ~90 ns). This translates to a flash-read bandwidth of 16 bits × 10 MHz = 160 Mbps. Hence, the configuration time is limited by the flash-read time.

When configuration data is compressed, the amount of data that needs to be read out of the flash is reduced by about 50%. If 16 bits of compressed data yields 30 bits of uncompressed data, the flash-read bandwidth increases to 30 bits × 10 MHz = 300 Mbps, reducing overall configuration time.

You can enable the controller's decompression feature in the Quartus II software, Configuration Device Options window by turning on Compression Mode.

Note: The decompression feature supported in the EPC devices is different from the decompression feature supported by the Stratix II FPGAs and the Cyclone series. When configuring Stratix II FPGAs or the Cyclone series using EPC devices, Altera recommends enabling decompression in Stratix II FPGAS or the Cyclone series only for faster configuration.

The compression algorithm used in Altera devices is optimized for FPGA configuration bitstreams. Since FPGAs have several layers of routing structures (for high performance and easy routability), large amounts of resources go unused. These unused routing and logic resources as well as un-initialized memory structures result in a large number of configuration RAM bits in the disabled state. Altera's proprietary compression algorithm takes advantage of such bitstream qualities.

The general guideline for effectiveness of compression is the higher the device logic or routing utilization, the lower the compression ratio (where the compression ratio is defined as the original bitstream size divided by the compressed bitstream size).

For Stratix designs, based on a suite of designs with varying amounts of logic utilization, the minimum compression ratio was observed to be 1.9 or a ~47% size reduction for these designs. The following table lists the sample compression ratios from a suite of Stratix designs. These numbers serve as a guideline, not a specification, to help you allocate sufficient configuration memory to store compressed bitstreams.

Table 6.  Stratix Compression RatiosThese numbers are preliminary. They are intended to serve as a guideline, not a specification.
Item Minimum Average
Logic Utilization 98% 64%
Compression Ratio 1.9 2.3
% Size Reduction 47% 57%