Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 12/19/2022

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2.12.2. Allow Register Retiming

The Allow Register Retiming option on the Register Optimization tab controls whether or not to globally disable retiming. When turned on, the Compiler automatically performs register retiming optimizations, moving registers through combinational logic. When turned off, the Compiler prevents any retiming optimizations on a global scale.

Optionally, assign Allow Register Retiming to any design entity or instance for specific portions of the design. Click Assignments > Assignment Editor to specify entity- and instance-level assignments, or use the following syntax to make the assignment in the .qsf directly.

Remember: For devices that use the Intel® Hyperflex™ architecture (such as Intel® Agilex™ devices), you can use the Allow Register Retiming optimization option alongside the Hyper-Retiming optimization.

Disable register retiming for entity abc

set_global_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING ON

set_instance_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING OFF –to “abc|”

set_instance_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING ON –to “abc|def|”

Disable register retiming for the whole design, except for registers in entity abc

set_global_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING OFF

set_instance_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING ON –to “abc|”

set_instance_assignment –name ALLOW_REGISTER_RETIMING OFF –to “abc|def|”