Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683080
Date 9/24/2018

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Document Table of Contents

1.1. Simulator Support

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports specific EDA simulator versions for RTL and gate-level simulation.
Table 1.  Supported Simulators
Vendor Simulator Version Platform
Aldec Active-HDL* 10.3 Windows
Aldec Riviera-PRO* 2015.10 Windows, Linux
Cadence Incisive Enterprise* 14.20 Linux
Mentor Graphics* ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition 10.5b Windows, Linux
Mentor Graphics* ModelSim® PE 10.4d Windows
Mentor Graphics* ModelSim® SE 10.4d Windows, Linux
Mentor Graphics* QuestaSim* 10.4d Windows, Linux



2014,12-SP1 Linux